BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Don't know if you need to go to that length, mate.......but instead, why not just simplify the whole process so it isn't so demanding and time consuming for YOU!?!

How about considering this for a new "format" for the whole process - If you were to just get ppl to submit (up to a certain date) any pic that they want YOU to consider for final publication >> then you spend one afternoon whittling it down to a shortlist of worthy ones >> then one more arvo picking the final ones >> then publish - it would make it a LOT easier on you!! Not as much time and effort spent on your part....and STILL a very fine product at the end, that many club members will always appreciate!!

I think most of us here are aware of the main reason why you do it the way that you do.....but sometimes, less is more....and if it makes it easier on you, then why not give it a try!?!

Just a thought....
the first problem Baz is getting people to submit an actual picture.......

and I don;t want to pick the pictures, or even a short list, it would quickly be called Batty's calendar I am sure.
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
And....there'd be nothing wrong with that!
99 bus
15 bus

Sounds like you just need a break mate.
I have noticed that the pictures submitted are getting fewer and a little repetitive.
I have a suggestion, rather than having a calendar, why don't we have a yearbook.
I have found the problem with a calendar is that once the year is gone, it's basically obsolete and fit for the bin.
If we were to have a year book, they could be retained and continued to be viewed years down the track, also recording a bit of history.
We could include pictures of members, special events, group pictures and of course, members rides...
Damn, it could have poetry if you so wished.....there wouldn't be any confines to what could be submitted.
There wouldn't have to be a voting process, and we wouldn't be limited to a particular amount of pages.
There wouldn't be any pressure on each month to vote or post pics, or in Tony's case, have all the responsibility of posting, sorting, setting up posts etc...
It could have single picture pages as well as collages.
I could see these sitting on members coffee or kitchen tables for years to come.
Could also encourage people to collect them resulting in more sales.
I for one would enjoy reminiscing over past rides and the people I'd met.....
What's other peoples thoughts.
And I need to add, I feel it still needs to be run from the forum, and not from FB...
It could work.. but I see a shyte load of work in getting it done. Plus again you need the involvement!

For a year book a lot of people would have to put up there hand for each section.... Lets say a SA section, someone to write about the events, rides, members, activities... etc, etc, etc and then repeat it for say each State. Then there would be the general articles...

I am not saying it's impossible but a co-ordinated effort is about the only way I see something worth buying is created. The after you get it together there's the printing.... the only way to get it at a price people might consider buying is to print in bulk... say a min of 100???
If you wait for pre-sales then I see a lot of waiting LOL

I do see the value in it Paul.... call me and we will talk LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Now that I'm back on my busa, I'm back on the forum too.
Hang in there Tony. The forum will always be here with it's wealth of information.
Facebook is an easy option to keep in touch but can't provide the benefits we get from this forum and club.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Just in reply Tony, I was thinking along the lines of a pictorial yearbook....
I'll give you a ring at some stage....

everyone here knows my attitude towards FB ;)

it's a hated necessity
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Yeah, I reckon that yearbook idea is a winner, Pauly!! And like Kev mentioned....not all the pics would have to be A1 grade, which should, if enough members get keen, be enough to produce something that really would become a "keepsake"!!
With all the many & varied activities that happen in different places & times in this club throughout the year, ie: WSB & MotoGP PI member meet-ups; Kev & co's World Domination Run; Batty's Tassie Tour; Pans' regular Sydney members meet-up nights; Braddo's Run; Brisbane Busa Bandits get-togethers and runs; The Busa Bash; and lots of other occasional happenings here and there.....we really should have enough material to put together something truly special!!
All it takes is a just a few key members that are passionate and dedicated enough to collaborate...and produce!!
I'm happy to post pics in, I take heaps, but didn't think many folk would want pics of my mutant rat pinned up on their wall (and most are low res, OK for the interwebnet but not in print.
Would be a shame to lose the calendar Batty, but can appreciate the amount of time and effort that's involved.

I was only saying to Kev the other week that most things seem (that's what some tell me) to be happening through bookface.
Like Kev and yourself by the sounds, I'm not on bookface, just doesn't interest me I'm afraid.
If that traffic was on here, you'd probly have too many pics to choose from.
Ive never posted one because my photographic skills just aren't worthy of a monthly pic Coolsmiley

Don't know what the answer is but if it's getting a bit much take a break from the calender for this year.
Keep the calendar going Batty, sorry .....I've been off-line due to a big off a few days ago

Broke my leg in two places including the ankle. Ribs and internal bruising , I'll come right might take a few weeks, the cast is due off at the end of March. Also dislocated my AC joint at my right shoulder so I'm in a sling as well as a cast on my leg. Counting the days down .... and taking the pills to numb the pain
Geez, Raph, I feel (part of) your pain. Hope the healing goes well!
99 bus
15 bus


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