What really pisses you off ?
Have an old 486 used to run a chess program.
Damm thing beats me every time.
Found out today it was no match for me at kickboxing.
I now have a happy homelife.
Is there anything at your home that really pisses you off or used to ?
I was married once. Does that count ?

My number 1 at the moment is waking up to find theres no water. Can't make a cuppa, can't flush the loo (coz you gotta have a cuppa and... well... where else you gonna get some... so you open up the cistern and...), can't have a shave or a shower. It happens about once a week at the moment while they repair the main. Its a total pisser on school mornings. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob (Astro)
Insurers that take 10 weeks to approve repairs to your bike.

Baby vomits on clothes you just got back from the drycleaner.

When you leave pizza in the fridge for breakfast and your mum throws it out.


When one of the soles of one of your shoes comes loose and you walk going "flap- stomp, flap-stomp, flap-stomp..."

Soccer players that kick you in the legs and say, "but I was going for the ball..."

When you are busting to do a crap, looking for a toilet, you finally get to one, then find there's no paper....

When Busgo's footy team beats your team (hypothetically speaking).

When you can't find a parking spot in the city.

Drivers/riders on the road that think they're the best and disrespect others, placing themselves and others in danger.

Old ladies that push in at shopping queues and pretend they didn't see you waiting.

People who suicide.

Big Brother.

Flies that don't go away.

Politicians that say... anything.


When you look forward to holidays for a long time, book them, pay for them, then get sick during the trip.

Chain emails that start off by claiming they're not chain emails...

"sometimes, crime does pay"
Edited by: pan at: 6/7/05 23:45
don't worry bout 1hot Evil...
good post topic i reckon...
(ahhhh another post for me as well! ) Cheers,
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
More Info

Edited by: Djpete  at: 4/7/05 20:21
You're about to see that i get pissed off really easy.....

Door people.
You want to get into a shop in the shopping mall, and some dickhead and his significant other are blocking it, hence you cant get in. Forces me to perve at the girlies until they move.

Travelator people.
People who are usually very fat, in a large group, or come from somewhere where they have slit eyes, who get to the end of the travelator, take one step off, and then STOP!!! We are on a conveyor belt people, there is no backwards, and I dont want to dissapear up the arse of the big fat lady off to her concert performance.

Tinned Food People.
The person standing in the aisleway at the supermarket staring at the 10000 tins of baked beans all the same price and the same manufacturer, but can they decide.......Noooooooooo. I'm stocking up for the pantomime season and they just cannot move so I can grab a tin of flatulence pills.

These people who ring me up, now from overseas, and ask me stupid questions like how many hayabusas are ridden in Victoria. I wait for the young lady rings then ask them a few personal questions ie are they single, what is their sexual preference. After all, they rang ME!!! If they didnt want to have that conversation they could have not rung me.

Ok, we know the system is shit, but this bugs me more than anything else. The fact that everybody on the trains who makes the announcements does not speak a word of English. There have been a few interesting variations on "Stand Clear - Doors Closing" usually sounding like the adults from Charlie Brown.

Baby Prams.
The single seat three wheel urban assault vehicle is fine, but when it's three babies wide......Cmon!!!! You dont need a pram for 3, you need a cage.

Lane Crawlers.
I ride the fastest proddy bike on the planet, is it unreasonable that everybody else keep up. Being stuck behind somebody doing 40 in the 100 zone really pisses me off. Also the person who exits the motorway from the fast lane in one big Kamikaze move.

B Double Drivers.
These things should not be allowed any closer to Sydney than Dubbo. I saw one the other day go up Church St in Parramatta, I knew it was going to end in tears so it was no surprise when it did. That and the fact when they are on the open road one B double doing 100 chooses to overtake another B double doing 98. This goes on for kilometer after kilometer whilst the Busa rider gets covered in shit. Lastly, they are NOT nailing the lane crawlers, or the Kamikaze exiter.

Boy racers.
They slam the thing to the deck and then weave their way out of the carpark because nobody told the Doof Doof boys that Sydney roads are far from flat, and so is Eastern Creek for that matter, so going for 2mm of ground clearance is really stupid. Also the stereo, and the 1 inch to 4 inch adapter which is the last foot of the exhaust. That and the fact they think their 1300 can beat my 1300!!!

Big Brother.......
After a selection process going through many thousands of people, this is what we get. Can we have the rejects from the first cull please, they would eat, drink, and root their way to the million 24/7, and we could just leave them in there.

And for Ray......the Plod.
Great to see that now the new Taj Mahal du Pork has been built in Parramatta off speed camera fines, that the doof doof boys are charging around Parramatta streets the fastest. Knock over a donut shop though and I bet you'd get the armed offenders squad out.

And that's all.......for now. The voices are telling me to go and clean the guns, and I needed something decent for a 500th Post

1hotBUSAEdited by: 1hotBUSA  at: 6/7/05 16:30
Post whores who get their Regards
count up by doing shit like this Regards
forgetting people's names

errrr...um...Pete Cheers,
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
More Info

I think I was banging out the epic above whilst you were posting mate........This topic only gets me started. The things above dont piss me off, they just make me laugh in peoples faces. Regards
Looks who's calling us Post Whores !!!!

I've only been here since Feb..... whats your excuse ??? The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob (Astro)
Go Graham YEAH BABY dont hold back tell us what you really think ! Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
LOL. I guess when you create a "Vent your Spleen" column then you can expect people to vent their spleen. Anyway with a name like Evil you'd be on my side methinks

Astro, you've got double the posts I have and been here half the time........post whore

Graham remind me to give you a chill pill next time i see you
so much stress for a young fella

While i'm here waiting in a shop for service
it won't happed with me, i'm goooooone

Cheers Robert
Edited by: simmo at: 5/7/05 19:38
Nothing pisses me off & I'm well balanced, chips on both shoulders

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