Steering Damper
HI all,

I am looking at replacing the steering damper on my Gen1. Looking at the style between gen 1 and Gen 2, are the two dampers compatible? Alternately is it easy to change the bearing on the Gen 1 damper?

Any constructive assistance greatly appreciated!
Heavier oil?
I was thinking of replacing the oil with one significantly lighter.
I can feel the steering response slowed considerably by the damper and have never had anything approaching a tank slapper.
What's the general consensus about which way folks would alter their damping?
Scotts are the they are adjustable
Thanks for the replies! I will do a re-oil this week and keep the forum up to date. I have access to large capacity syringe and needle to refill keeping the air out. I will resort to immersion if I cant get the air out. Will use a 15 weight oil to stiffen slightly. I will take pictures and post up!
i use fork oil too, dont like a slow response steering,
you pretty well have to immerse it and pump the damper to get all the air out from both sides of the damper piston
pumping slowly as fast or forcefull seems to induce cavitation

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