go Jamie.

I was brought up Catholic, went to a all boys strict Catholic school. Didn't like the strictness at all.
I think if anything, my parents are responsible for my attitudes. I was very lucky to have and witness a very loving relationship between them. No fights, no yelling, just got along.
Lost my Dad in 2000 and Mum just a few months back.
As you get older you realise that was very rare and special.
And not once did they mention religion at all. Never.

As the song says..
If you boil down all the other superficial bullshit that IS really ALL there is.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
(20-12-2014, 10:19am)djpete Wrote: go Jamie.

I was brought up Catholic, went to a all boys strict Catholic school. Didn't like the strictness at all.
I think if anything, my parents are responsible for my attitudes. I was very lucky to have and witness a very loving relationship between them. No fights, no yelling, just got along.
Lost my Dad in 2000 and Mum just a few months back.
As you get older you realise that was very rare and special.
And not once did they mention religion at all. Never.

As the song says..
If you boil down all the other superficial bullshit that IS really ALL there is.

Well said. Clap
I couldn't agree more....
Yes, stop looking at the ism someone hides behind and look at the individual only
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
I was brought up to be an arsehole. Pretty sure my dad was one too. Pretty happy with that. Seems consistent.
Religion was created from the human response to the oldest natural instinct of every living creature - fear!
It's design and sole purpose is to either comfort us or control us. It makes no difference what texts, scrolls,
bibles or books exist or the messages they contain. It's all made up!

The sooner we abolish ALL religions and start again with a single universal 'system' that respects all creatures
for who and what we really are, we can never evolve beyond the death and suffering we force upon all!

I think that's a bit rich just saying that Religion is based of fear.
There is nothing wrong with having faith in something, nothing wrong with asking why are we here, what is it all about.
In fact the reason we are here is to keep an open mind and keep quietly questioning why IMO.
For me it definitely is not quite so simple that we are here by chance and after this is just stops.
Life would not be so spectacularly complex and beautiful if that were the case.
Just look up at the stars and universe alone. Try to imagine is beyond believe and out of our simple mind's depth so, yes I believe there is more, much more..
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
I think people need something to believe in and/or help them deal with the tough times in life.
And that is just human nature.
For some that may be religion or some other belief system, it may be choof of hooch, a shot of bourbon, a good two wheeled blast along back road or a good old nudie run around the block.
Just something to blow off steam or grief, relax or clear the head.

I'm a "each to their own" kinda guy.(as long as no one is getting hurt)

Anything can do you harm if taken to extremes, but I think religion is probably abused more often than people realise.
It is often used to control, divide and predispose people to an intolerant view of others or their beliefs.

As the old saying goes "everything in moderation"

And yes Pete, there is much more out there in the universe.
To believe we are all there is would make the human race a bunch of ignorant megalomaniacs.
I think BB is spot on there Pete.... Find an Old Testament and start reading... God was a vengeful, wrathful, spiteful and ruthless being that when not inflicting plagues happily cast us into the eternal fire for things we, personally, hadn't even committed... Remember each Christian will go to hell until their baptism for Adam &neves first sin.

Organised religion was the way to control the masses through fear with a hope of eternal Eden but only from suffering. The man religions were also those practised by the rich, powerful and elite who then concreted their power base by attaching the smaller, more peaceful, beliefs. The cry of witch and heathen rang out for centuries....

When I left the church at the wise age of 14 I became an Athiest but over the years I turned into more an Agnostic. Either way I have always seen that no belief is the problem but the formalising of that belief into a religion.

All just my point of view of course.
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
back on topic this is very interesting too..

[Image: 3xD56pN.jpg]
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
Except Martin Bryant is not a terrorist.
He is a psychologically disturbed individual who had delusional desires to kill people.
Did he cause terror in people, yes but many crimes terrify people, but they are not terrorism.

He was a lone individual acting on his own, not on behalf of a cause or religion and not under the flag of a cause or religion. He had no known ties to terrorist organisations.

Is he Australias worst mass murderer? Yes most definitely.
But he is not a terrorist.
I was going to make the point that Bryant wasn't forcing people to hold up religious flags in the windows for the world to see at gunpoint.
All of these acts of terrorism such as the killing of the school students in Pakistan, 9/11 etc are to cause outrage and publicity.
Well the Police were all along saying the same thing with this fella.."He is a psychologically disturbed individual"
And they said he was acting alone. Its the media that beat it up.
Also how committed to what he was doing was he when he changed his mind and asked for an ISis flag.
Yes he caused terror but there is a good argument whether he was a true terrorist in the sense of the word as we now it theses days.

"All of these acts of terrorism such as the killing of the school students in Pakistan, 9/11 etc are to cause outrage and publicity."
Now argument here at all.
Deserve all they get.
I would lose no sleep at all if these people were knocked off one by one, btw which has been happening for quite some time drone strikes etc.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
Ah yes indeed, but was that what really what happened. The problem is that we, the general public, will never get the truest facts and information.
We will get the a hybrid version of facts as they are released once the police and politicians put their spin on it and then the media edit to sensationalise it.

Sound a little conspiricy theory?

Not really, politicians have agendas, think they know best and believe we need constant protection from ourselves. At the senior level police are answerable to politicians. The media - they want sesationalism and ratings.

These days I'll only believe 100% what I see with my own eyes.

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