ive got pilot powers on but I think I might just try the HPX 200 on next change, question will be wether to change front or not if still has plenty wear in it. <i></i>
volvi i am heaps more inpressed with the hpx rear as apoosed tot he pilot power rear that i had on previously. my front tyre is a bt54 or 56 or something i got realy cheap does the jobholds on pretty well. plus the 200 rear just looks trickfills the back end of the bike up and looks good. <i></i>
Never liked the front HPX. The rears were okay?

The Bridgies were good. (They were cheap)

Thanks Rocketman. They're all gone now...

Happier with the Pirelli Diablo Corsa now. Best tyres I've ever had on a Busa. IMHO (And over 130 000 klms on a few Busa's)

<i>Edited by: GDYUP&nbsp; at: 17/7/06 5:22 pm
pic of the hpx while i had it apart for the undertail and the 4-1's <i></i>
Dan I enquired today re 200 HPX and was told by seller "but they wont handle as well as the 190" watcha reckon in difference? also whats best price you know of fitted? Cheers. <i></i>
Volvi in theory it should handle worse with a 200 but others would argue they cant tell the difference, I suppose it depends on your riding style and the kind of roads you ride on. I will be staying with the 190 when its time for replacement <i></i>
Volvi mate i really believe that it handles a bit better. has a bit more grip through corners and feels a bit more planted. in terms of tip in like i said i went from a 190 pilot power which has the pointy profile to make it tip in better to the hpx and i feel alot more fonfident tipping the bus in now and getting down close tot he deck with the hpx. having said that could depend on rider weight, style and suspension settings. but all in all i really like them. as for price i paid $280 fitted for mine i think <i></i>
I fitted a HPX to the front of my bike and so far so good, it's nice and stable but still turns in easy.

HPX front BT020 rear <i></i>
I put a hpx on front 2000ks ago and huge improvement in tyre wear and durability. i had bt014 and had pretty bad feathering on sides, have a 200 wide bt014 on rear huge improvement on corner feel but getting 4-5k a rear and am thinking about going a HPX rear or else the mettzler . any feed back would be appreciated. <i></i>
I have the HPX on the front (happy with grip and wear)and will be getting a rear in the next couple of weeks , but if you want ok grip and good wear and dont mind mixing tires a battleaxe BT020 will work great and last for ages.

If the HPX rear does not work for me I will be going back the BT020's.

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>
I just fitted a HPX to the rear so now I have a matched set and I must say it feels is great, nice and stable and when you tip it in the bike tracks nicely. Much better feel overall than a mixed set like I hade, now I need to see how long it last's compared to the BT020’s

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>
Picked up a 200 wide HPX rear today for $313 at SKIDZ at leichart. may go for ride tomorrow will keep ya all updated. Ive heard varied opinions on the bt 20 basically its beater for touring rather than a spirited jaunt up the putty or bells line.but allways open to feed back <i></i>
Fitted up a HPX 190 ($285) to the rear last Saturday. Got about 9,600 ks out of the Diablo. Still got the diablo on the front til it wears out. The thing just wants to fall into corners now.

This might explain the Bus' reluctanct to want to corner on the trip to Kiama. The Pirelli was starting to look a bit square.

Be warned about the replacement front HPX Busdriver.

I have had 3 rear HPX. Not a bad tyre for extra klms..

The two front were both crap. They wore out on the camber side REAL QUICK!!! I do jump on the brakes before cornering?

Rev completely destroyed one in about 3000 klms? He jumps on the brakes harder!

I did manage around 7000 klms from my fronts! (Which is Bullshit milage from a front tyre)

I can double that from a Pirelli Diablo Corsa front. You do the Math!

Now it's Pirelli Diablo Corsa all round. (Even on my chrome commuter wheels)

The End. <i></i>
Thats interesting gdy I will keep it in mind for next time. But so far I am happy with the HPX as far as handling goes they seem to suit the busa nicely, but only time can tell how they last with my riding style.

How many psi do you normaly run in your tyre's?

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>

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