What's the closest call to death you've ever had?
(03-11-2014, 01:40pm)DjPete Wrote: well they're not Muslims if they are going against what 99% of Muslims practice in their faith which is being peaceful and tolerant.

Come on Peet were did u get those figures from ? the quran?
World authorities in this area have estimated there are around 8-10% of radical muslims in this world and that came from a muslim spokesperson in the US
now work out the sums 1.3 billiom muslims ,you can calculate the end total.

I bite every time you go fishing don't I...lol
yes I read that too and also saw that interview, what they failed to report of course is that that does not mean they are all terrorists, they may have radical views but that doesn't mean they will blow us up.
A lot of our Pollies have radical views too.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
How does the saying go?
Not all Muslims are terrorists but ALL terrorists are Muslim!

Anyway don't we have an Isis thread on here somewhere?

Alias Stu

Growing old happens.
Growing up is a choice!
(03-11-2014, 07:32pm)DjPete Wrote: yes I read that too and also saw that interview, what they failed to report of course is that that does not mean they are all terrorists, they may have radical views but that doesn't mean they will blow us up.
A lot of our Pollies have radical views too.

Time will tell Pete. When we say radical ,does the quran say anything about being non radical?
that would be the perfect storm if it were true but it simply isn't but it's very convenient for some to use...
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
LOL I see the Muslim topic has leaked into here too

Not really close to death in the literal term but I was convinced I was dead for about 3 hours...

After having my neck surgery and hopping myself up on morphine (good ole.. press button delivery system LOL) I woke in the middle of the night completely disorientated. confused, scared and totally freaked out. All the lights had a strange hue to them (probably an effect of the drugs) and no matter how many times I pressed the call button or yelled for help no one answered... it was then that I came to the realisation that I was dead. I stopped trying to get anyone's attention after that.
I laid there for hours wondering what was next and why I was still stuck in my body with tears rolling down my face.
It was only when the room started to lighten from the sun coming up and the next shift must of started cause a nurse finally came in and talked to me..

It was the worse and scariest time of my life and formed a kernel of need to do more with my life. 2 years later I was divorced and on my way to London (first time every out of Oz).
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
I often have a feeling when drifting off to sleep of stopping breathing and dying and I just wake up in time, to top it off my wife has a lot of night terrors screaming out in the middle of the night if something makes a noise or I come to bed late. We're both basket cases.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
1981, War Emergency Law in Comunist Poland against the Solidarity movement. Arrested and in front of Military court with 27 charges four of which carried a death penalty. It was close...
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
(04-11-2014, 08:48am)Batfink Wrote: LOL I see the Muslim topic has leaked into here too

Not really close to death in the literal term but I was convinced I was dead for about 3 hours...

After having my neck surgery and hopping myself up on morphine (good ole.. press button delivery system LOL) I woke in the middle of the night completely disorientated. confused, scared and totally freaked out. All the lights had a strange hue to them (probably an effect of the drugs) and no matter how many times I pressed the call button or yelled for help no one answered... it was then that I came to the realisation that I was dead. I stopped trying to get anyone's attention after that.
I laid there for hours wondering what was next and why I was still stuck in my body with tears rolling down my face.
It was only when the room started to lighten from the sun coming up and the next shift must of started cause a nurse finally came in and talked to me..

It was the worse and scariest time of my life and formed a kernel of need to do more with my life. 2 years later I was divorced and on my way to London (first time every out of Oz).
Mate, that is pretty terrifying!

(04-11-2014, 10:05am)Shifu Wrote: 1981, War Emergency Law in Comunist Poland against the Solidarity movement. Arrested and in front of Military court with 27 charges four of which carried a death penalty. It was close...

Thats far too close, mate!
I bet you were relieved to get away from all of that.

There are 3 Polish Officers on my ship at the moment (who still live in Poland) and one of them has lent me a book on the history of Poland - incredible story in every regard.
Ive always been interested because I remember my mum telling me about the brave and highly respected Battle of Britain Polish fighter pilots who were not allowed to march in the victory parade at the end of WW2. Its always stuck in my mind.
A lot of Poles moved to Australia and a lot of them are at sea here.
On a lighter note, some of the Polish names are just impossible to me! The Second Engineer here is Zdislaw Cwikowski - I have to call him Mr.Z ! And I see his wifes surname is slightly different Cwikowska - man, that is very complicated!
(04-11-2014, 08:59am)DjPete Wrote: ... my wife has a lot of night terrors screaming out in the middle of the night

Reckon I'd do the same, waking up next to you Pete Coolsmiley

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