What's the closest call to death you've ever had?
Doesn't have to be bike related but can be...
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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I was working underground for 3 1/2 years , Whilst charging a face a rock fell out of the backs (roof) , hit my hard hat and landed near the det cord Scary. Was told later by a mate that it wouldn't have gone off but I am still not so sure.
I had no real talent for charge up anyway and was probably better sticking the boggers & trucks.
Could have been the biggest bang you ever had...:-)

When I was about 10 I was up on a roof about 15 ft high mucking around and my older brother was chasing me from below with a big long branch. I was running backwards to avoid it and just ran backwards straight off the roof onto my back where there were a whole lot of bricks. I cried a lot but by chance wasn't really hurt seriously.
All the way home he kept repeating " don't tell mum, DON'T tell mum" lol

A few yrs later he would get me again.

I was about 12 and was sitting on the back doorstep. We had decided to kill a nest of earwigs and my brother came out with a jug of boiling water to kill them.
He didn't see me and the whole lot went right over my back.
I was in so much pain that I was just screaming on my stomach banging with my hands on the lounge room floor.
I remember being taken to hospital and my dad was holding my back up near the air conditioner to help me keep cool. The burning was incredible.
About 2 weeks in hospital and a scar on half my back for many years afterwards.

And then of course are the bike accidents.
Big one early 80's on the Katana 1100. T Boned a car, wrote the bike off, Internal bleeding, broken leg and wrist, knocked unconscious.
And the recent big one on the Gen 2 Blue Black. Knocked out, broken finger (That will never straighten properly now) and another write off. Could have easily died in both of these accidents if I was unlucky.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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About 20 years ago, I was being a chivalrous young fella and ecsorting a beautiful young lady to her car in a huge electrical storm. On my way back to my front door lightning struck the ground very, very close to me. In that miilisecond I saw my arm and the umbrella I was carrying turn glowing blue(also witnessed by my flatmate who thought I was frying).Thought I was a gonna. Couldn't see or hear for about a minute or so. Certainly got the adrenalin going.

(02-11-2014, 08:04pm)DjPete Wrote: Could have been the biggest bang you ever had...:-)

When I was about 10 I was up on a roof about 15 ft high mucking around and my older brother was chasing me from below with a big long branch. I was running backwards to avoid it and just ran backwards straight off the roof onto my back where there were a whole lot of bricks. I cried a lot but by chance wasn't really hurt seriously.
All the way home he kept repeating " don't tell mum, DON'T tell mum" lol

A few yrs later he would get me again.

I was about 12 and was sitting on the back doorstep. We had decided to kill a nest of earwigs and my brother came out with a jug of boiling water to kill them.
He didn't see me and the whole lot went right over my back.
I was in so much pain that I was just screaming on my stomach banging with my hands on the lounge room floor.
I remember being taken to hospital and my dad was holding my back up near the air conditioner to help me keep cool. The burning was incredible.
About 2 weeks in hospital and a scar on half my back for many years afterwards.

What is it about big brothers? I was the big brother and on many occasions was quite unkind to my younger brother. Must be in our DNA somewhere that it just comes naturally. Seems to always happen.Lol3
Nasty accident with the boiling waterScary
when I was 16 I crashed my first road bike I went 30 m through the air and landed on pile of rocks, Died 3 times on way to hospital and twice in the hospital had to use the paddles on me was in coma for 2 weeks but I don't remember any of this , just going on what was told by girlfriend and I managed to have full copy of hospital report.
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Hard to get any closer than that.
Rod you have hit the lead!
Agreed can't get much closer that that.
Did ya see any white lights or virgins?
:-) Sorry couldn't help myself.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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f*&^ing hell, Rod, think you just won the prize mate!
(02-11-2014, 10:26pm)DjPete Wrote: Rod you have hit the lead!
Agreed can't get much closer that that.
Did ya see any white lights or virgins?
:-) Sorry couldn't help myself.

No sorry no lights Very Happy
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(03-11-2014, 09:00am)ROD Wrote:
(02-11-2014, 10:26pm)DjPete Wrote: Rod you have hit the lead!
Agreed can't get much closer that that.
Did ya see any white lights or virgins?
:-) Sorry couldn't help myself.

No sorry no lights Very Happy

We don't care about the lights Rod.

Answer the mans question ..

like these?

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Not quite what I had pictured Rob ..
haha and I hope that every one of those terrorists (Note, not Muslims, call them what they ARE) get to see those "nice nuns". What a disappointment it will be.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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(03-11-2014, 10:27am)DjPete Wrote: haha and I hope that every one of those terrorists (Note, not Muslims, call them what they ARE) get to see those "nice nuns". What a disappointment it will be.

yep Muslim terrorists thats what they are Pete. Oh sorry ,on the closest call, is living near Lakemba,Bankstown and Greenacre. Coolsmiley
well they're not Muslims if they are going against what 99% of Muslims practice in their faith which is being peaceful and tolerant.

I bite every time you go fishing don't I...lol
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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