What's your spider story?
Just had a Huntsman inside my car. The car is only 6mths old. Tried to kill it 5 times as it ran round the car. After the first time I lost it so then sprayed inside the car with surface spray as thats all I had, so 15mins later come out to clear that stuff off seats etc and the bugger is back out on drivers side inside window. Hit him again he crawls across to pass side. Go hit him again he crawls up to top of pass side door. Hit him one more time and he drops onto seat and it still going. One more hit and he's wedged in between the seat. Had to get a screwdriver out to get him.

Funeral will be held this Fri at 10am.

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Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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Give you a trick I know Pete..

Always use surface spray.

It might leave a greasy residue BUT if you hit them only once they are f%#ked !
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
I hate the f*&^ing things!
Two years ago I wrote off my wife's Audi in our driveway when one dropped out of the door seal, and then down inside the front of my open shirt. The big arse spider then ran around inside my shirt in the hairy jungle..
I swerved right and side swiped two big trees, one came crashing down, then leapt off the driveway and then went down the embankment and smacked a few more trees.
Got out through the window and ripped all my gear off, then ran around in circle doing the 'spider dance' !
Smashed every panel including the roof, ripped off the front left wheel, etc
Never found the big arse spider!
Insurance company told me that it's very common.
We get mainly Wolf spiders and White Tailed spiders but I'm never usually close enough to tell!
It's one reason why I stay working on ships at sea!
Insect spray is no good - I use a pump action Winchester.

[Image: P1010614.jpg]
One of the trees I hit had a hollow in the bottom where the kids had made a 'gnome house' - but they look pretty exposed after the tree crashed down!

I normally pick up huntsman spiders and take them outside. Wolf spiders look men but it's there protective bluff, they are like little pussy cats and can be handled easily. The white tail is also a rather calm spider and the reputation for there bites giving you necrosis (killing large patches of skin) comes not from their poison but bacteria that can occur on their fangs.
I also play with snakes too LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
(10-10-2014, 06:18am)Batfink Wrote: Hahahahahahaaaaaa

I normally pick up huntsman spiders and take them outside. Wolf spiders look men but it's there protective bluff, they are like little pussy cats and can be handled easily. The white tail is also a rather calm spider and the reputation for there bites giving you necrosis (killing large patches of skin) comes not from their poison but bacteria that can occur on their fangs.
I also play with snakes too LOL

There is obviously something seriously wrong with you Tony ScaryLol3
Ubi est Williams est via

[Image: bd2b8814-b7c2-42c7-8059-0811dae17364.png]
riding the 'busa to work in Sydney in peakhour traffic one cold wet morning, the motor must have got a bit warm, a huge huntsman climbs out from under the fairing and rests across my speedo. I went to flick him off and he dives back under the fairing behind the guages. The road and traffic no longer had my full attention. . . I never did find him.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Administration please close this thread, it's making me really sick Frown
I only ride as fast as my angel can fly.(A Blue Angel)
Had a huntsman jump out from the centre vent of my XC 351 panel van straight onto my left knee. It reared up (ya know on its back 4 legs with the front 4 up in the air) looking at my jugular and I swear it screamed at me! Middle lane eddy ave. Flick and stomp ramdomly, got him. Could easily have hit another car or 2. Bloody things have a perverse sense of humour or something.
In the 80's I'm driving home from a reception in wifes 120y. She has a whole tray of cakes from the reception on her lap. I turn over to her and notice something dangling from her hair. I look again and it's this huge huntsman spider. I look at her in terror and she says "what's wrong?" I say "just don't move." She does move and by instinct flicks it off her hair and it hits the dashboard and makes this horrid thud. It's still alive I swerve and pull over the cakes go flying and she jumps out. Got him in the end but not a good night.
She said later she thought it may have been a mouse it was so heavy.
Still retell the story a lot. Lol.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
Do not click here
my daughter Amber sent this to me last week

[Image: IMG_1317.jpg]
I had one inside my helmet it came across my visor it was only a baby but with the eyes that close it look like the size of a hand and I had to keep riding for about 5ks before I could pull over then I did not no weather to just lift the visor or take the helmet of but before thinking about it for to long the helmet was off and rolling about on the ground .
I found the little bugger he was only about the size if my thumb poor little thing but he died on the spot . R.I.P.
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I was going somewhere with my mother about 20 years ago I guess and my nephew was in the back in his child's car seat (I suppose he was about 2 or 3)
All the way he was sitting in the back saying "Bird" in his little chirpy voice .. He sounded quite content. When we got to where we were going mum went to get him out and she screamed. There was a huntsman the size of a dinner plate on the back of her seat .. That was his "bird". We still talk about it to this day.

I also had one run up the tank at me on my old gen1.
It's amazing how quick they pull up when you need them to.
Cutting firewood , found a funnel web spider (big) we caught it put in a jar , decided to keep it
but not alive , filled the jar with two stoke, left it for an hour than emptied the jar on the ground
and the farking thing started to run ,so i did the right thing and hit it with a match , it burnt for a little then it exploded like the back end of a rocket. I dont like SPIDERS (any)
Where I live we get mice and big rats occasionally in the house, maybe the odd feral possum outside.

I can deal with those no problem, big spiders give me the shits.

I don't care if they're poisonous or not.
Have to smile reading a whole lot of stories here about bikies scared of spiders.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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