BT 020 200 - Too Wide?
I just had a BT 020 fitted to the rear, asked for a 190 but have got home & realised the muppets put a 200 on. I know I should have checked before I rode away, stupid!

Anyway, the rivets on the chain can JUST touch the edge of the tyre if the chain is pushed to the centre. If it runs centally on the sprocket it doesn't touch the tyre and the ruber is only slightly marked after 600km (yes, I took the long way home...). Not a life threatening thing but I'll be having words with the shop on Monday. Suspect they'll tell me to piss off though.

Meanwhile, plenty of people have fitted 200 section 020s, do they touch the chain? If so do you ignore it? I've got standard chain & sprockets, tyre clears the brake reaction arm by about 4mm on the other side.

Rich <i></i>
You are right Zephyr. Other people have them fitted and I had a 200 x 014 fitted too.
The tyre should be clear of the edge, but only just.
Just check that the wheel is square (straight) in the swing arm, it may be pulled marginally to the left at the front.
Anyway it should be no hassle as long as you don't run it flat or on low pressure.

Thanks for the reply Bugso, I've just checked the wheel (by torch light) & it's straight. I'm pretty sure the chain doesn't hit the tyre when it's under tension but 'only just' is exactly how much clearance there is!

I'll go for a gentle spin tomorrow & see if there are any new marks on the rubber. If not, all is well I guess.

I have the 020 200 and I know several others that do too.
It JUST misses the chain.

If you want the 190 though you are well within your rights to demand one since it's what you asked for!
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Month
Easyrider Imports

I got told that the 200 was build for the busa? <i></i>
Well, I went for a ride and didn't make any new marks on the tyre, so maybe the fitter did it before aligning the wheel?

If the 200 was made for the Busa I think they cut it a bit fine! I have approx. 3mm between chain and rubber, with some tension on the top chain run.

Trying to decide if I want to go to the trouble of getting it swapped for a 190 now. Not much in it for me, I'm going to enjoy the corners for a couple more weeks then it's back to the long, straight roads of western QLD and the NT...

The 200 was not made for the busa.If you look at factory specs you will notice it says a 190,so that is a spec tyre,not a 200.You will find the 200 was made for something like a zx12 which runs a 200 spec tyre as std.I would be going back to the shop and telling them that the 200 isnt the std size tyre and you may even find that an insurance company could find this a way out of not paying in the case of an accident.
I know a few guys in the club run 200s on the busa but it does nuthing for the bike except give it that 'fat tyre' look. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Zephyr, if your going back where the roads are long and straight, I'd leave it on because you'll get more miles out of it with a bigger patch on the road.
I reckon the 020 X 200 is probably the best choice for those conditions.
I initially decided to keep the 200 for just that reason but checking it after a longer ride today there was a shiny, sticky mark all around the tyre- the chain hits the tyre, after a while generating enough heat to melt the rubber and there's nothing I can do about it. The wheel is properly aligned and central- checked twice, very carefully! Double checked the chain alignment, condition and adjustment too, all OK.

To my surprise the shop agreed to swap it for a 190 so that's what I'll do.

Why it's too wide for my bike and obviously OK for others I don't know. New mould maybe? There's only a mm or 2 in it.

Hey Zeph, I have fitted a 200 BT020MC and it sits close but has never touched the chain. In my opinion this thing is the ducks nuts as I have more confidence in the corners. under power, lots of power my bike used to squirm with the 190 as it has a mono spiral kevlar cord in it. The 200MC incorporates a steel belt that holds the tyre shape under lateral G's.I have been told that for big bikes with lots of balls this is the way to go. As for slowing the handeling, that is a Myth told by those who oppose wide tyres.

In the end it is what you feel comfortable with!

Cheers Fords

Thanks for the comments Fords. I'm OK with the 200 as it suits the conditions I usually ride in but I'm starting to think I won the Hayabusa lottery and got a narrow wheel!

I measured the tyre last night, it's 206mm wide. Make that 208mm before the chain knocked a bit off.


I run an 020 on mine with the same problem I'm on my 3rd one now, what i do each time I have one fitted is put it up on the rear stand when i get home and run it in 1st gear, with a file just take off the lip (edge) of the tyre, mine is a 99 mod
= 200 tyre mod to 199
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
Hadn't heard that one before (200 to 199).
Is that a SMG special or what?
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Year
Easyrider Imports

Mums the word
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
My last two rears have been 020 / 200's
No issues and I love them,

" I'm not speeding, I'm qualifying ! " <i></i>

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