Tyres: it pays to shop around
I had a new rear Bridgestone fitted today. After ringing around it's amazing how much difference there is in price. Mick Hone wanted $374 on the bike. Action $348 on the bike plus $2.50 to get rid of the old one. I got one fitted at Pablo (Richmond) for $287. That's nearly $100 difference!

btw Pablo has a lot of stuff on special (including tyres) helmets and leathers and boots and all sorts of other stuff, mostly 10% off pre-GST prices, only for this month, so if you're looking for new gear or other bits and pieces, including oils and stuff, get down there. <i></i>
Good tip Gazza thx will check them out in the morning. <i></i>
Quick bit of advise guys, there are a few different versions of the one type of tyre, having different constructions etc, so make sure you are getting what you ask for. Just cause it says its for a busa on the label doesnt mean it is. Just as an example Dunlop make a different 207 for the R1, Blade & GSXR. From experience
there isnt that much money (ie profit)in tyres.
Cheers <i></i>
Yes it does pay to shop around Gazza i paid $275.00 for my rear tyre knackered after 3000ks, got it through HEALSVILLE M/CYCLES the guys that own it are mates of mine so if you ring tell them the pommy bastard sent you. <i></i>
GSXR1000 (Wayne from Torquay I assume) Apart from checking the tyre wall and making sure it's a J rated BT56, how the hell else can you tell? HE told ME it was specifically for the busa, so unless you have some foolproof way of telling the difference that I don't know about, I have to take their word for it. No offence Wayne but that's about as helpful as JP from Suzuki telling people they don't know what they're talking about but not giving the info to clarify. If you know something about this that I don't it would be helpful if you would share that information so we ALL know what to look for. <i></i>
Well, I am getting a Dunlop D207. I know there is a D207GP (softer compound, I believe), a D207ZZ, and another for the Busa. Can anyone tell me what the number should be for the Busa, or will it just say J-rated, or Hayabusa? <i></i>
Richard I checked mine and it says SPORTMAX RADIAL D207 J on the sidewall. AS far as I know there are only 2 J rated tyres for the Busa,- The originals and the Dunlop D207 <i></i>
Thanks. Yes, that is what I was led to believe. Although not J-Rated, I have heard good reviews about the Michelin Pilots. I think I will stick with Dunlop, though (no reference to advertising intended...) <i></i>
more information? I dont run standard tyres so not sure about specifics, but if you check the codes on the sidewall of the tyre you will come accross different codes. Now the theory is there is only 1 from Bridgestone & Dunlop to suit the Busa, but with the large difference in price maybe one is a 'normal' 207 & one is a Busa tyre. Some shops may not even know there is a difference & just order a 190 207 or 56 & wack a Busa tag on it. If you specificly want a tyre to suit, find out what the codes are & only buy them. Dealers dont make $100 on a tyre or fit them for nothing. They are in business to make money. PS you dont have to run them you know, you can try something different. <i></i>

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