Alarming idea
If you choose to install an alarm on your bike and the set up allows you to set a manual override procedure, as in a combination of left/right blinker flashes to disable the alarm without the key fob, it really is a good idea to set it up.
Well I didn't think it really necessary, and well tonight my key fob crapped itself and I could not disarm my alarm to ride home from work.

The result: an hour or so of uninstalling my alarm in the dark with a torch jammed in my mouth and the thing screaming it's head off on battery back up.

Sometimes I just like to learn the hard way. Idiot2
Gotta hate that!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Did anybody show any interest in what you were doing to the bike while the alarm was flattening your battery?
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
(29-03-2014, 09:06am)Shifu Wrote: Did anybody show any interest in what you were doing to the bike while the alarm was flattening your battery?

Didn't even get a second look.Scary
These days most people only care about themselves and don't want to get involved, so I reckon only another rider walking past would make a challenge of what you were up to

I only installed my alarm because it had a proximity sensor, so I would know if someone was nosing around it in our parking area and could walk out and deal with it.

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