Bridgestone 014
I am getting a new front tyre fitted next week. My rear is only half worn so I am not replacing it at the same time. The rear is Bridgestone 020 and I was going to fit the Bridgestone 010 to the front after reading advice on this board.
The tyre dealer advised me the Bridgestone have a new tyre called the 014 which is apparently fairly new. He said it has the grip of the 010 and lasts a bit longer.
Has anybody had experience with these or are they too new as yet?
Chopper <i></i>
Yes they are supposed to be pretty good Bob,good grip and better milage,dont they say that with all new tyres?????I'm told that some of the new thous comming out have them fitted as O.E.M. <i></i>
Ps 010's havent been made for a while now,they were replaced by 012's which i run on the front and have found no probs.....cheers <i></i>
Thanks for your input Rod. The dealer forgot to tell me that the 010 is not produced anymore, he apparently has a few in stock, I guess if people really want them he supplies them.
On your say so I will give the 014 a whirl and see what happens. Thanks again. See you at the annual gig I hope.
Chopper <i></i>
Hi Chopper, Just put some 012ss tyres on the bike today & Brigestones doing a rebate deal at the moment. Front & rear Fitted & Balanced For $385.00.

I'd be glad to let you know were i got them if your interested as I'm in Brisbane also.

Regards Buzzard. <i></i>
Thanks Buzzard. I would sure be interested in where you got that deal. I am having my front tyre supplied and fitted at "Tyres for bikes" at Albion. $185 fitted and ballanced so I don't think that is too bad. I really can't afford to throw away a rear that is only half worn so I won't be purchasing a rear this time.
Hope to see you on a ride soon.
Chopper <i></i>
Buzzard I forgot to ask in the previous post. I was told the 012ss was very sticky, mainly track orientated and not all that good for longevity. What is your experience in this regard?
Chopper <i></i>
Bob, why don't you get the 010 for the front. Same grip as 014, BUT, the stockist will probably want to get rid of it. Could talk him down to a $100 fit? -385-
Hi Bob, Got the tyres at Two Wheels ForTyres & yes they are very sticky compound but i don't do many Miles commuting to work.
So I'll soon find out if they last for long or not & maybe pay the ultimate price & cop the ear bashing from the missus

Regards Buzzard. <i></i>
bloody hell Bob smoke the mudda stop being so old and start being a young hoon on a awesome bike trust me you will get to love he smell of burning rubber Regards Bill

As long as my heart pumps and my Busa thumps I am a happy Man<i></i>
Resacc, I like the way you think man. Well worth a try.
Buzzard, thanks mate, hope to catch up soon.
Bill, smoke it!! no way mate, my hoonin' days are over.
Tyres cost too bloody much to smoke the bloody things.The big bastard would prolly chuck me off anyway.
Hey that reminds me, I did smoke a bit of illegal substance some time back. Now where did I put that stash?: ;
Chopper <i></i>

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