Touring tyre...
When I move to the Blue Mountains I anticipate doing 5000km a month. I have two rear wheels and plan to have a handling tyre on one, and a higher mileage tyre on the other for the daily ride to Sydney. Any ideas on a touring high mileage tyre. Handling not an issue.

Rocket Rod says he runs a Bridgestone 020 on the rear and it gets high mileage and has good grip. <i></i>
Hi Guys, when i crossed the Nullabor riding 700km a day I put the BT-020 on. It was Awesome!!!! Really sticky too, and last for ages. Actually, still got in on my bike and about to clock on 10,000k on it with some tread left to go, which is surprising cause I gave it a flogging and reguraly pop monos around town since I've come back. Highly recommended for long riding!! Probably will still go back to BT-010 for around town on oily roads, or try the Diablo Corsa?

Cheers, Peter <i></i>
I'm sure some of the arsewipes at the insurance company will also approve of it NOT being "J" rated if you have a stack???
Otherwise is sounds a real cracker! Think I'll stick to the HPXs, me thinks...
Cheers, Phil. Riding not talking. <i></i>
I've got 020s on front and back, (not too many corners where I live) and 'only' got about 6000km out of my last rear. That's my experience. Regards,
Remember, tyre pressure is very critical on how long a tyre lasts!! I know that if I had my 020's pumped right up, I would have worn the centre out in seconds! I run about 2 psi under what they reckon most of the time, depending on conditions. You've got to compromise over wearability to handling. AND, if you running a tyre over an hour or more such as on a trip, the heat exapnds the core temperature thus raising it pressure,....thus wearing out centre fasting, and not much tread on road as first thought!!!!

That's why tyre pressures are dropped for race-track use for who doesn't know. Pressure and suspension rebound are critical. Maybe a few of us could point out the gizmo's of the rear end if you are unsure? I was at the start until I learnt about the Busa's weight transfer under power and read an excellent OHLINS SHOCKER REPORT on how to set-up suspension and handling on the Beast!!

Riding longer and faster, Peter <i></i>
here's the reference for that Ohlins suspension report? <i></i>
That should say Where's... <i></i>
I'll dig it up for u, maybe supply me a fax number or an e-mail, or I'll just figure out how to post it here <i></i>
I'd love a copy of that...
Peter Altas
Um, guys, still looking in room and on board here. Brought up some old suspension settings that I used. You'll have to look in General Discussion and Old Topics 2. ........and sorry about that Throwdown, kept thinking it was Viking I was getting info for when replying to above topics. <i></i>
Peter Altas (got the spelling right that time I think!!) and Throwdown, I've got the link for that Ohlins shocker manual that I used to set-up my suspension. I have my own hard copy on loose-leaf paper but didn't know how to put in on computer, so eventually dug it up on the web thing and found the newer version of the manual at the Ohlins web site. The link is (hope my magic works....)

If you read the paragraphs, you'll learn more than the pictures. Just some of their principles or theories make you understand the Busa suspension a shit load more!! Anyway, i set it up to their most comfortable settings and found that the best touring specs! I like to ride on the harder rear end and softer front end side of things tho... works for me, but do change a little bit when I'm on a ride day sometimes!! It all depends on what you weigh as well! Some good track use ideas there as well.....

There are other manuals and tips on other suspensions and steering dampners at .....


Cheers, Peter

Let me know how you guys go?! <i></i>
MAX, I think this is what you're looking for.....????

(in reply to one of these top 5 topics) Peter <i></i>
Thanks Pete,
They're excellent. Thanks for the effort and time. I'm
still learning how to ride the new Bus, she's faster than the old busted Bus but isn't handling anywhere near as well. That could just be a comfort zone thing on my part or not comfortable as before the accident so I'm tending to back off a little (read - "Fuckin heaps" ).
Getting the hell rid eof the BT off the front next week and putting a 208 back on the front. That and the figures here should be a huge assist .

Thanks bloke.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
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