Clubmate Down...
Djpete has set up an


for u to sign & send a get well soon
mate To tim

He's the nicest bloke ive meet on this forum

Out riding,pub or cafe lunch or dinner

He's one of us x 10

Your only half of the man he is ,
Nice bloke ,conserative busa rider

Not like some of us.
Im a fuckin hoon

Get well mate

Tim fletcher

He's one of us

He's one of us

He's one of us
Update From
Bridget Fletcher

Timothy is no longer in the induced coma. He is just heavily sedated. They have taken out the breathing tube, and just has nasal prongs. They still haven't operated as bigger emergencies come in. The surgeons' want to do it in the next 10 hours. The nurse said he was more settled when we got there. He is going to get better, it will just take time.
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I'm riding around NW Vietnam with 10 other riders who would like to pass on their best and positive wishes too.
So far, so good, it seems. Let's hope the news keeps getting better.
Rob and friends.
Post Removed By ROD Two different cases and I don't Think tim or his Family need to see posts and pictures of your completely different situation
Grunty, you can't make a diagnosis from a keyboard. It seems your brain injury isn't your problem. It's your uncaring and insensitive personality. Grow up.
Update From

Bridget Fletcher

13 hours ago via Facebook for Windows Phone

Spent a few hours with my boy today. He has been moved to a ward now. They still haven't operated, as more life threatening cases come in. Hopefully tomorrow. They said today that he has Post Traumatic Amnesia. He is confused and restless. He can't have visitors other than family and close friends. The best cure at the moment is sleep and keeping calm and quiet. It can last anything from a few days to weeks. When they say he can have visitors other than family, I will let you know. Ivan and I are both going in tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully he will have had surgery by then.
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Hope he pulls through okay with his life and abilities unimpaired.

I've also 'woken up' in hospital days after an accident, but nowhere near as serious as this sounds.
(04-12-2013, 02:36pm)RYDRZ Wrote: if anyone wants to send a get well card to

timmy fletcher

- Via me , & I'll take them in

- in " BULK " I imagine

as i work less than 500meters down the road from the royal melbourne hospital

post to
corbin spurr
Care of -mail room
royal childrens hospital
parkville 3052, vic

and I will take them by a trolley to his bedside
cheers ,

Is this still the go Corbs ? .. taking into account that he cant see non family as yet. I have a card ready to send tomorrow ..
terribly sorry to read this news. met Tim on a number of occasions, a real dedicated rider, how else can one clock up the miles he does. my thoughts and prayers are with his family and wish him a full recovery no matter how long it may take. were all with you Tim.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Get up after a rest mate, we're all thinking and praying for your full recovery. Hope the truck driver is in hiding. He could have a rather large band of Timmy's brothers out looking for him. (:-))
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Update From

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Just back from the hospital. They have operated on his jaw and thumb. Tomorrow the elbow specialist will do his elbow. Asked how long he will be in hospital. Weeks if not months and then rehab. Had a bit of a temperature. He responded to orders to wiggle fingers and toes. I want my baby boy back
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Best wishes for Tim and support for his family
I also have also woken up in hospital after nearly a week responding and conversing but in another world untill the swelling went down and apparently waited a bit of that time for an operation , its not that uncommon, and a full recovery is quite possible
Tezza let me know of this thread.

Very sad but best wish's for a full recovery mate.
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
Update From

Bridget Fletcher

Quote:Spent the day with Timothy. He had surgery on his elbow, and has scaffolding on it, as the dislocation is unstable. He is more alert, but confused sometimes. Didn't know who Aimee was at first, but 10 minutes later, did know. Asked him where I worked, knew that. Asked what Eloise did, he said "not much" (sorry darling).
He is still being tube fed, not sure how long. Will depend on his jaw. They will fix his eye socket in a couple of weeks. We will both be going in to see him tomorrow afternoon
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
about an hr ago...

Timothy had xrays on his elbow. They think that they will have to rebuild the joint. Probably next week and they will operate on his eye socket at the same time. Every day he seems to be more alert. He is talking, but can't hold a conversation. His brain is confused. (he wanted the microwaves turned off, as it was too hot). He was talking about going to the Rugby, & wanted Dad to go with him. Remembers friends from New Zealand, & school, & relatives. Still needs lots of sleep and rest. The hospital is saying that he will be going to rehab at Epworth after the next operation. If they were doing it in two weeks, he would have gone there between operations.

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