Stolen My Busa
really sorry rod.

that suxxx.
(26-07-2013, 11:52pm)steventh Wrote: Rod. Sorry to hear about this. Best Of luck getting it back


Sorry to hear about the bike Rod, hope you get it back in one piece. Have posted it on FB too, never know were it might turn up.
Just got back in State and will start making enquiries on the wrong side of the tracks for ya mate.. if up in North I should get wind of it
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
That Sucks, Rod Eek. Saw this on FB over the weekend. Will post on some Kawi forums that have Tassie members. Best of luck with the process Knuppel2.
[Image: fc9450cb-86fb-4774-a1ac-5a6bb7a02823.jpg]
Keep a eye on E bay down there for cheap parts
(29-07-2013, 03:28pm)simmo Wrote: Keep a eye on E bay down there for cheap parts

Yes Simmo I have been trolling ebay and gumtree , im thinking of putting a add on Gumtree wanting to buy something
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Sorry to see this Rod, just saw this post. Sick bastards
Hi Rod sorry to hear about your stolen bike, hopefully they find it, will keep a ear out for you up north.
I hate this shit.make it Arabian law.cut the thief's hand.nothing happens to these pricks.good behaviour bind and shit.
The laws need changing. u speed u get f****d. thief nothing occurs. hope you get the bike back.I feel for your loss mate.
Don't tempt fate,TAUNT IT!

Hey Rod, I know you haven't had any good news yet, but have you had any idea at all how it happened? Did any one see anything at all? It certainly makes everyone nervous, for sure. What do you think happened? Rob
(30-07-2013, 06:01pm)captainrob Wrote: Hey Rod, I know you haven't had any good news yet, but have you had any idea at all how it happened? Did any one see anything at all? It certainly makes everyone nervous, for sure. What do you think happened? Rob

It was parked in a open space where about 6 units look straight at it and across the road would be 100+ houses looking over it , I have covered well over 50 of these places with no luck .

I personal think it could be parked under the Garage of one of the 6 units But police need evidence to look in there garages I think .
They talked to all the owners of the units but no go
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
prob a scumbag with a trailer or van,hey was the steering lock on ,this would stop the push away,crim,
[Image: 11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629...8f99a0b2f1]
6 units and 100 houses nearby , there is definitely an admirer in the neighbourhood. Finding the &*$# hopefully wont take long. I doubt anyone followed you home. It would be a nearby resident or one of his friends or both stealing it together.

As hard as it is to say, a strip job is probably being contemplated. To catch a criminal you have think like one.. The crim/s are more than likely probably reading this site, I am in the business of recovery so please read on, I have access to more than the internet.......

Message to the low life/ admirer from hell that are more than likely reading this site to see what the outcome of your actions are, and I know you are reading this....

Give her back, it means a lot more than the money, it is someone's dream who also runs this site. Leave her somewhere safe and leave a message where she is so we can find her, the hunt for you will be stopped. I can guarantee you karma is going to get you when myself and Hayabusa members on this site track you down selling a mans dream, pride and joy, and selling parts of her will get you caught. More than likely police action will be your wish when one of us finds you and takes the law into our own hands. I can guarantee I will be searching the net for spare Hayabusa parts from Rods bike and when I find you, police will be the first person you will wish for when I get my hands on you. Sleep well if you can...

I am searching the net for this bike and parts as you read this.

Hopefully whoever stole you Busa is treating her nice.

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