New Potential Owner
Hi All!

I'm Ed, from Sydney. Rode and ran gixxers (600,750,100) around the track & for daily commute in the 00's, but gave it up because of young kids. Finally got back on the bike (after 6 years) during last couple of months with an FZ1n.

The Fz1n is a great bike, I really love it. Has reasonable power, and also easy for the daily commute. I've taken it up the Putty rd a handful of times, and it's plenty fun. BUT! Since my days of owning gixxers, I have always had a soft spot for the Busa, and even since purchasing the fz1... I have kept my ear to the ground for any good deals. Well, one finally appeared, I'm looking at a orange/black 2008 with 22000 on it. I can snag this bike for 6k + trade-in and I was hoping for some advice from anyone will to offer some.

I have test ridden it (tame riding within 10kms of dealer) and did like it. The seating is much more aggressive than the fz1, but the fz1 is very upright. I think the busa with helibars would be the perfect middle ground.

a. The bikes does seems to vibrate a bit at certain spots in the rev range, and during hard acceleration. Is this normal? I've done a little searching online, and seems some owners experience this, and others don't? Is it a warning sign? the fz1 is fairly smooth engine wise, but not without vibes of it's own. But that's a 1k engine.. does the 1.3k really vib that much more?

b. I gave it a little pump here and there, and I was not blow away. what I WAS surprised at was just how effortlessly and quickly this bike gets to and surpasses the posted speed limit Scary Police Pi_freak With the gobs of power this thing has on tap.. the delivery is incredibly linear

c. The bike is fully imported from the US (yellow sticker) Is there anything I should be watching out for in regards to full imports?

d. If i get it, the bike is going to need a full service. Is there anyone Sydney based willing to help show me the ropes? I love getting my hands dirty with my bikes.

e. Because of where I work, commuting on the bike is ideal. How is the busa for a day-to-day commuter? not a back breaker or neck/wrist killer? how is it in traffic. does it overheat? I know I cant split on it like I do on the fz1. but even during the test ride I found myself splitting here and there at intersections with ease.

Is there anything else I should look out for?

I'd love to own a busa... I have always wanted one.. there is something about them I am drawn to. BUT I don't want to regret buying one.. especially when I love the bike I am currently on.

any advice would be awesome! thanks!Very Happy
pictures please ,just make sure its had its services ,my busa is a 99 n has vibrates here n there ,but nothing im worried about ,ive changed my top triple and fitted risers and flat drag bars which for my wrists and back are great, there's a lot of great guys n gals with plenty of knowledge to help you out

and welcome ,
Heya cjmonkey610...

Welcome to the Aussie Busa Club, mate!! Very Happy

I can't really give you any advice with most of those questions.....but someone here should be able to answer most of them proficiently!!!

Keep it fun, and we'll see you out on the road sometime in the future!! Yes

Welcome mate

How tall are u, 5'8 std bars & plate is ok
But if your taller than 5'8 to 6ft or more u can fit a
1 in'riser plate ,that should ease ya back , neck & wrist pains ya might have.
Some are fittin lower foot peg sets for those extra long legged freaks out there

As for vibration -no need to be sensitive about
The busa donk is that a 1300cc grunty donk
From 1300-3500-4500 - 7000 - 9500 - 10500
the busa's vibtations sensation change , enjoy it

But dont grip the throttle grip like a gorrilla yankin a bannana
You'll get a numb hand, loosely n firm

As for commuted trips to work daily- fun
But u should save the busa for the long trips
800k's to 1000+ trips in a day, the busa is a great long distance sports tourer on
On the open freeways & such ...

Just a little note: on one busa club ride here invic,12 busa's , r6 yamy & a buell,
Warburton-reefton ride-marysville
As we busa riders rounded a 4th gear corner & guned it, i looked in my mirrors,
No r6 yamy or buell to be seen,:(
they shoulda bought a busa ;)
Its fun fun damn fun

Welcome to the Forum.

I'm in Eastern suburbs and can help u with servicing - pm me. Apart from removing the fairing there is nothing particularly difficult about servicing.

I commute on my K8 3-4 days week to Macquarie Park without any overheating or other problems. I've got 57000ks on my k8 - a good portion commuting.

Hey there Ed,

Welcome to the club mate. Mine is a 2012 model and the "vibe" is still an optional extra whether ya want it or not Lol3

I don't think giving the busa a "pump" here and there will show you the goods. You need to find a nice long, quiet stretch of road and give it a handful. If it doesn't spin ya eyeballs around as it buzzes past 8 grand and beyond .. then .. don't buy it cause it's broke Pi_thumbsup
hello cjmonkey , an import so can I ask is it 22'000 k's or ( 22'000 mile's = over 35'000k's ??? ). I have not had much to do with import's im assuming the yellow sticker represents Australian compliance ?
I bought one for new year and have clocked 12500 in 2 rides. love it.had 3 gixxer 1000 s before the bus a.busa planted and effortless. And its got killed street cred. Planning 3 IBA rides next weekend.let's see how it goes.
Love the Busa.
Don't tempt fate,TAUNT IT!

Hi Ed, Welcome
hope she gives you plenty of pleasure

you should drop by and say g'day at Eastern creek on Fri 31st.
just look for the garage full of 'busas.
or book in and have some fun with the rest of us.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Hi CJ. There's another monkey here called CJ. What a coincidence!

My gut feeling is to stay away from the import. Plenty of good Aussie bikes. Plenty you'd get for your FZ1 +$6000 too.
If you're not in a hurry to buy, test ride a few more, or at least offer them $4000 + your bike and move on if they say on. You'll end up with a bargain if they say yes. If they say no, good luck to them trying to sell it!

The Gen 2 bikes...? They SHOULDN'T vibrate much and they SHOULD be thrilling compared to the FZ at over 8000rpm! This one just doesn't sound right. If you come to the track day on the 31st, I'll have my Gen 1 road bike. You're welcome to ride it around the street. No vibrations and plenty of thrill factor... Gen 2 should feel even smoother and better!
thanks guys! i really appreciate the feedback! some excellent advice, and yep im not comfortable with the import i have to say... maybe i should hold on for a better deal?
If in doubt leave it. As Pan said plenty of Aussie bikes around. Also when u come around to wanting to sell the potential buyer will come to a forum like this and ask Qs like you have and the answers will be similar about imports. Especially if there is no history

(05-05-2013, 11:32pm)steventh Wrote: If in doubt leave it. As Pan said plenty of Aussie bikes around. Also when u come around to wanting to sell the potential buyer will come to a forum like this and ask Qs like you have and the answers will be similar about imports. Especially if there is no history


thanks all! ive decided not to go for the import. ill keep looking for another option. ive seen some nice rides in qld, but i am in nsw and the cost of riding or shipping to sydney blows the budget. i definitely want a gen ii, so my options are limited. ive noticed loads of nice gen i out there. but ive fallen in love with gen ii.

ive noticed this one;

looks nice. or this one;

but the white color worries me when it comes to keeping clean.. especially given i will be using it day to day
I would go for the white.. black(ish) colours seem to pick up more noticeable muck than white vehicle.. you only really notice how bad the white ones are WHILE wshing them LOL

BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

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