front number plates again
Front Page headlines in todays Herald Sun about motorcyclists dodging speeding fines cos no front number plate. i was kind of hoping this was dead and buried ..... but seems not?
and more with discussion at the end...

and this is a good argument too...

In a written submission to Mr Lewis, Mr Baulch, argued against the mandatory fitting of front number plates to motorcycles.

"We find it remarkable that out of all the enforcement jurisdictions in the entire world, Victoria Police appears to be the sole agency intent on requiring motorcycles to be identifiable from the front,'' Mr Baulch said.

"Motorcycles were not required to have front number plates when speed cameras were introduced so any reported problems are therefore firmly with the short comings of the system design, the cameras themselves and the policies surrounding them.''
I fI remember right, all these camera's came from the original concept of a radar speed detector. These were hand held (the first ones were so hugh they couldn;t be held LOL) and operated by police officers on the side of the road. They were pointed AT oncoming traffic so teh police could pull over the speedster and book them there on the spot. The only defence I have heard about cameras facing the front of a vehicle is that they can also be used to provide evidence of who was driving as well as identifying the vehicle. Of course this defence is useless on 90% of bike riders as most of us wear full face helmets which stop this identification.
On my bikes over the years I have lost many rego holders and a few number plates from pure vibration of both bike and wind while riding. To me the idea of the front plate coming off at 100kph (still a legal speed) and hitting me ANYWHERE is something I really don;t want to contemplate. I would if I had too and I understand the need for identification BUT...
as cameras are now a post crime reporting mechanism it wouldn;t matter if they took a pic of either the front or rear of a vehicle so why not simply turn them around.. I don;t know about others but when I scan plates I notice that the front plate is always the most damaged, dirty or beaten of the two...
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
its a load of shit how can you speed through speed camera when idiots in cars are doing 10ks less then the proscribed speed,and if you read about the victorian mob they have just been proven as liars as they made up stats ,they can get f****d as i will not fit a front plate to my bike

if anyone remembers they were removed by the pedestrian council of Australia bc they were cutting people up in accos
origanlly i though these speed cameras were surposed to get the back end of the car so why dont they just turn the cameras around so they can read the number plates instead of us getting front number plates

alot of us only have ourselves to blame for speeding past these camera i personally don't do it

but at the end of the day its all about the 4mil they missed out on nothing else (revenue lost)

VIC has the least tollerance for speed but most holidays and long weekends they have the most deaths go figure?

Will I Ever Learn ??? Probably Not Police
7 years ago a copper pulled me up in Healesville and gave me a defect notice on the old Busa chopped rear guard. Big deal. I told him I couldn't care less as I had a stock guard at there Lol3 .

His parting shot was " what are you going to do when we bring in front number plates on you blokes "

Meanwhile 7 years later....yawn...........still waiting....

The only people who care about this are:

1.Cash strapped politicians.
2.Jealous motorists
3. Neil Mitchell (bike hater supremo)

That old fart should get off radio, (his ratings are crap) grab a pipe and slippers and fade away, far away. Over rated wind bag.
Never ride the A model of anything.
It's all won with a single argument.

Forward facing speed camera's are not used in Victoria. In Victoria the speed camera's photograph the REAR of the vehicle!
So why the f*** would you need a forward facing number plate on a motorcycle...........obviously it's pointless for our speed camera's!!

It doesn't make any sense!!
So late last year I picked up my busa from the showroom, one of my first stops was to the gateway offices, to organize an etoll account and a beeper for the busa, so after waiting in line for 10 mins or so I got to the counter and started the discussion, current accounts for wifes car and my ute, ohh you want one for the bike? no... I was like umm no? really?...ooookay? the gals response, because i'd not been on two wheels for a while was that the etoll cameras now took 4 angle shots of the vehicle forward rearward and either side as you went through the trap and all that was required was to add the rego number of the bike to an existing account. and that an agreement nationwide had been reached so Melbourne tunnel or gateway bridge in qld didn't matter, i'd be set. no beeper required.

technology adaped to the pursuance of funds may not be frontal numberplates, it might be something like gps point to point stuff we'll all be dealing with one day.

Hot Coffee , Fast :Biker:

Tell them to leave us alone and generate their funding from the push bike wankers who have the same rights as we do, and use the same roads, but for free. They have even been provided with their own lanes. But they contribute nothing in the way of revenue by means of rego, etc. zero, zilch.
Geez the pushbike argument gets old with me easily these days. How blinkered do you have to be to think that pushbike riders don't have a car or motorbike or truck or multiples thereof? Personally I pay 6 registrations. How many do I have to pay before I have the right to ride a pushie on the same roads I am paying for 6 times already?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Not me..... Aristotle
Well, I don't know what happens when some of them pull on their lycra shorts and hit the roads because it certainly seems that they must have a mind shift and totally forget what its like to be in a car/bike? Why do so many bike riders (who are also presumably car drivers) have a total disregard for road rules, common courtesy and common sense as soon as they get on a pushie? I pay a lot of rego's as well - personal choice. But in this day and age there is an expectation that you have to pay something for services provided. Whats the big deal in making push bikes pay something, and be regulated, pay fines and carry insurance like everyone else on the road.
Not wanting to Hijacked

but I agree with Cpt there.. just saying that I have several registered vehicles means I can have a non registered vehicle that can ONLY use a sealed road is in it's self rather silly.. I am sure we all have more than 1 car and 1 motorbike we have to register (I have 4 rego's each year plus the bike)
I mean if thats the case all the track rider we have here would love to be able to ride their bike to track as it covers all the same rules as a cyclist... in fact they have to adhere to a stricter set of rules for safety plus wear much more protective gear (hey simmo.. you wanna do a few laps in licra? Lol2 )

While the user pays system is what is bringing down the USA IMO I do think that the riders should have least be covered by some type of insurance. Here in Tas the mandatory insurance is part of the rego (MAIB) and cover personal injury only.

Of course I think any type of cyclist rego should only be applied to the road racers that can only use a sealed surface.. mountain bikes, BMX's and other such bikes that can happily leave the road shouldn't be touched.. bit hard to ask little 8 yr old Johnny for rego to ride to school lol
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
When you consistantly see bicycle riders riding two,three and even four abreast on a busy road forcing vehicles to veer around them it just reinforces the obvious fact that MOST bycycle riders have zero respect for the road rules and other road users can go and get f****d.

Same with the shared footpaths...what moron thought of that one!...most cyclists I have come across are arrogant little f***s who think they have a god given right over everyone should they veer minutely across or into their path.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
u trying to get mad to warm up steve LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Yes!...hows the strip coming?
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast

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