well i have bettered my pb from sunday of 10.60 to 10.38. it will be 2 weeks till i get to the track again so the chase for 9's is now on. Must be the new stickers that i got from glen66. cheers ian. will try and post a photo on red bling site. <i></i>
Congrats Ian. Did you get the fourty riders? <i></i>
had at least 40 racers on friday. on the sunday it was just over 20 racers which provided those who fronted including blackzook plenty of track time. <i></i>
Well done mate your times are coming down nicely. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Did you run against each other? I don't care who wins, I can say I have stuff on both bikes. oh well, better go pack my shite for bush, been putting it off all day. <i>Edited by: glen66 at: 5/11/06 19:52
We ran against each other several times Glen, was a dead heat each time!!! Go figure. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Don't hear about deadheats much now with all the timing gizmos. Are you sure it not your Nana with a stopwatch trying to make you boys play nice? lol. But really, with different setups, weight differences and techniques it is kind of strange. Must mean you are both going flat out. You must be due to go home soon Bruce, aren't ya? <i></i>
Glen I was only kidding about the deadheats, not a fair comparison given the amount of runs I have had and the mods done to my bike. Ian is doing great times!
I'll be here until late December and then a sprint across for xmas I hope. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Am I a wanker or not, can't decide. lol. You can crash here on the way if you like. I'll stick some food in ya and strip your bike while you are out cold. <i></i>
Glen dont forget to charge Bruce for food and drink and of course
parking fees. Cheers,
I'll have a slightly used extended swingarm for sale Ray. <i></i>
Glen trying to get a couple of quotes for 30 sets of race glass
for the GSXR600 K6 . Cheers,
As long as my bike is the only thing you strip and food the only thing you throw into me ya got a deal.
Thanks mate I'll give ya a buzz as we get closer to xmas. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
You aren't that good looking Bruce, but I'll feed ya. I am about to go bush, Ray. I will send you my contacts details in the UK if you like. <i></i>
Glen I just went to my wardrobe and saw my stock rear seat is still there, forgot to send it to you when I got my newie.
PM me your home addy and I'll post it over tomorrow. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter