Blackzook's done it also!
@Glenn, I was referring to Simmo removing some bling not Bruce.
However, as Bruce suggests, I reckon me (75kg) on my bike would be lighter than Bruce on his bike.

But, we will never know will we.

If Simmo and Blackzook want to get serious about the pass times, they will remove some weight.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
Simmos got a titanium exhaust and alloy subframe,other than a light fuel load, theirs not much you can cheaply do to significantly reduce the weight much further.Mines about 24-26kg lighter than stock,but that costs and is useless unless the bike is slammed and stretched.I suspect the guys would sooner buy more horsepower than less weight,in a straight line it,d be better bang for your buck.In corners though,different story.What about elf lms or mr9 fuel guys??5-7 hp at the tyre with minimum retuning.(oxygenated fuel) <i></i>
Pfft, they are both a bunch of heavy weights!!

Check these two bikes, out they have been to Jenny Craig for a work out.
Not very street going mind you!


Getting down the 60f time will help big time,
I'm stuck on 1.7's for now

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
1.5's should see you into the 9.6's or lower Simmo, your MPH is excellent. <i></i>
Spa man --have you ever used oxygenated fuel and tested the "gain in horsepower" or is it what you have been told? <i></i>
Not yet,will be in the near future though.I know brock davidson dynos with it and they claim these sort of gains and tony hatton backed similar claims.But as usual I,ll find out for myself. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
See if the claims come true yourself a favour and learn a little about oxgenated fuels 1st and why they have evolved.
Be interested to learn the outcome on some back to back runs. <i></i>
Fair point gazza.What are your findings??Bruce was your9 sec runs combined with the new sprocket or was that fitted prior to dropping the pipes? <i></i>
Still running the 16/40 Glenn. No change other than dropping the pipes. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter

Now all you have to do is both beat Andy. He is pretty quick.

HEIDI xxx <i></i>

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