Police brutality - Mardi Gra bashing
I know this is not bike related but this video is pretty bad, showing some drugged up gay bloke with handcuffs on behind his back getting flogged by a NSW cop who loses his cool. Some reckon the gay lay on the road refusing to move and obstructed an ambulance trying to get through, some reckon he didnt do anything, even the gay when you listen to him, but I doubt that. The footage doesnt show start to finish of the incident. This is not good, I bet you this beating was'nt in the police fact sheet thats for sure. The other cops says to the person filming he cant record the incident which is going to cost the cop in a lot of ways.

The good side of things for the gay bloke is he is going to get costs awarded for the assault... big $$$$, and the cop is likely to get charged for excessive force and lose his job and the NSW police get an even worse reputation , especially with the recent taser incident also in the city.

Some years ago I got a pretty bad verbal off a cop who claimed I was doing 60km/over the limit, I was a little over but not that much. Sometimes it pays to record things and I now run a video camera when I ride my bike, even puttering around. Once again sorry for bringing this Mardi gras crap up but sometimes some police go too far. There are still a majority of good ones out there.

This video to me is very inconclusive. Yep there are always bad apples everywhere. I can only speak from experience. I have been involved with the Police for doing the wrong thing on over 10 incidences or even more in my lifetime and not once have I a bad word to say about them. And one of the offences was theft of a motorcar when around 16. I'm not talking just speeding tickets. I think most of them are just doing their job which sometimes is very difficult.
I wouldn't be a copper for quids.
There pay and conditions are lousy and they just cop shit all the time.
Can you please tell me of another career where you will have to be abused, verbally and physically, be prepared to be killed each time you open a door, have to deal with t he crap in our society as part of your normal duties, are vilified publically for every wrong action any other member of your profession does, is hated by a mojority, even family, and BTW is not paid that well for it.....
I have a neice that joined th epolice force a few years ago. most of her friends stopped talking/hanging with her just for being a cop, 2 cops she knew were shot for pulling up a speeding car, attended a shoot out just because she was on duty and is uncomfortable telling new people what she does for a living due to the reactions and accusations by most people based on media.

Personally I think they have the hardest job in the world.. and each time I have been caught I will accept what the cop on site says and argue with their laywer in court if I can show it was wrong.
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
[quote='Batfink' pid='281746' dateline='1362525712']
Can you please tell me of another career where you will have to be abused, verbally and physically, be prepared to be killed each time you open a door, have to deal with t he crap in our society as part of your normal duties, are vilified publically for every wrong action any other member of your profession does,

Yeah, being Juliar GILLARD and the rest of the spastics in her party. Lol2 She gets paid well though and will continue to well after having stuffed up the country. Its good to hear you guys sticking up for the police that do the right thing.

(06-03-2013, 09:21am)Batfink Wrote: Can you please tell me of another career where you will have to be abused, verbally and physically, be prepared to be killed each time you open a door, have to deal with t he crap in our society as part of your normal duties, are vilified publically for every wrong action any other member of your profession does, is hated by a mojority, even family, and BTW is not paid that well for it.....
I have a neice that joined th epolice force a few years ago. most of her friends stopped talking/hanging with her just for being a cop, 2 cops she knew were shot for pulling up a speeding car, attended a shoot out just because she was on duty and is uncomfortable telling new people what she does for a living due to the reactions and accusations by most people based on media.

Personally I think they have the hardest job in the world.. and each time I have been caught I will accept what the cop on site says and argue with their laywer in court if I can show it was wrong.

Spot on. Well said.
During the early part of the video, the guy is playing up to the camera. A request for someone to stop filming takes away his "audience" and he might start following directions.

Later in video when you see the cop throw the guy to the ground, the camera is aimed low in the precursor to that event with the feet of the guy starting to walk off to the side. Maybe there was a reason the cop put him on the ground. We don't know.

The bystanders will see what they want to see, and that is the guy being thrown to the ground. Maybe the cop just finally had enough of his mouth. Maybe the guy tried to do something.

Maybe we should remember the incident a little while back at a domestic between two families in Sydney. When a cop while trying to sort it out talking to one family over the fence, some person from the other family walked up behind the cop and stabbed him in the back killing him. And this guy's family reckoned it was the cops fault for interfering.

Busdriver (aka Les)
A Security Officer cops the same and gets no respect whatsoever. Still its part of the job unfortunately.

I have come to notice in my occupation that the Police do a fantastic job overrall however in my experience I have found that the Police that work in the City in Sydney are the worst I have come across. I have personally witnessed some pretty low acts by some Police Officers in Sydney on handcuffed individuals. I cant think of what goes through their head to hurt another human being who is defenseless. I guess it is down to the fact that the workload they have to contend with is huge and the stress they are under yada yada yada still no excuse.

In the suburbs it is a very different Police Force and they have my respect. By the way several members of my family are Police Officers and in my job I work closely with Police so I speak from experience.
My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning , can you believe that , 2:30am?! Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes.
go to a 3rd world country and then you'll see what corruption and Police brutality is all about. Lol
hey pete.. u calling Tassie 3rd world HAHAHAhahaaa
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
No matter how you look at it, no matter what happens, facts are facts. Get in the habit of 'collecting evidence' - pics, witnesses, passers by, car rego , ask some else to do it for you. Anything and everything. Facts are facts and hard to dispute if the evidence is on the table. (Bit hard tho if ya in the gay mardi gras with only a nappie on!!)
Seems like a crime to me, not one Boobies4 in the whole vid :(

Cops do have it hard... I've seen a few things in the last year that have changed my opinion of them. Plus I think I'm finally growing up. I now respect them for what they do... When I used to hear them say to me 'Im just doing my job' I used to say, 'don't give me that mate, you chose your job'. But I certainly wouldn't want to do there job that's for sure. I'm the first male in four gen's not to be a career member of the Army, if my youth was different I'd be there Hand's down-I'm quite happy to die for my country, one of my little sister's is a career Army girl... been oversea's etc, and she's one of my hero's, but there is no way I'd die doing what copper's do...
i really want to add to this ,they kid was stirring shit so he said ,he is 5ft 8 tall and weighs 60kilos,

i grew up with my uncle running the AFP after colin winchester was killed ,he was a nice guy ,looked after me as a young kid ,but as i got older he became and arrogant prick ,and his mates were all drunken cops,look i know they have to deal with alot of fkin clowns but this bloke could have been killed ,hey look at thedrug affected brazillian guy they tazzored to death ,i think its high time some of these n.s.w cops are sacked for heavy handed practices,and 99% of highway patrol officer in n.s.w need to be on the dole for there shocking attitudes,rant over ,dont lexture me as i have a cronick dislike of harassment by cops for no reason
That looked so sexually explict material
Gay fake cop & his bitch boy in cuffs, avn abit of rough roll
Playin, "I'll gagg on u sire ,give it to me "

Later in the divy van ,

That bitch boy ,well better get used to it, being roughed up
B4 a gang bang from a group of fake cops

Ha ha.

Surve's himself right- he paticipated in a group
Orgy of drug n drink & begged for it by every flirtin
Step ...

He got what he deserved,
He's luck he is still alive & can sit down & talk about it

Ha ha,

Real cop or fake cop, do nsw police where beards??

Lol3 Roll Lol3

as usual.....another one of Corbins gems makes me laugh so hard I nearly piss myself!!! Embarassed


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