4th October = Bike Night @ WSID
I'm out. Stuck at work!

I'll have to hold back on that 9 second pass Dee...
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Finished work, finally...
Waiting, waiting... <i></i>
Just got a late heads up and all I can say is that Heidi is a drag racing goddess.

I'll leave it to her to provide the numbers all I'm willing to say is that Dan is no longer the fastest in the ACT!!!!! Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
I've just logged on and found that Dee, Dave and I are the only ones up. Too hopped up to sleep? I'm opening the bar, who's in?

I had a great night, did a PB and got an offer of a ride on Leonard's red/black beastie. Got chucked off the track and am wearing my cranky eyes. Busgo, my sisters asked me to thank you specially, they said you made their night more exciting by taking the time to look after them and show them around (subtext, obviously I didn't). They said you were a real gentleman. Thanks Leonard and Dee for the offer of the ride, I'm DEVO we didn't pull it off. And hi to Ali! Nice to finally put a face to the name!


P.S. You are no longer the fastest member of the Canberra chapter Dan. SUCKED IN! <i></i>
Quote:P.S. You are no longer the fastest member of the Canberra chapter Dan. SUCKED IN!

Dan ouch Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
<b>Well what a night!! 60+ bikes entered - close to a record!</b> There were also 30+ other bikes in the carpark who either came to watch or treid to enter as competetors but were turned away due to the huge numbers! Thanks to the busa crowd who were really well represented!!

Most bikes got in 5 runs which is good for a busy night - helped along by WSID management who gave us preferential first and last run of the night. Track conditions were ok and there weren't too many cars that dropped their guts.

<b><u>The winners for the night were:</u></b>

<b>* Best 60ft time - LAMS bike : BEN LEHNER</b> on a Honda NSR150SP with a 2.363 who won a bike cover from Motorcycle Accessory Supermarket at Parramatta.

<b>* Best 60ft - Non-LAMS bike (no bar) : LEONARD AZZOPARDI</b> with a 1.569 on his stock/lowered Hayabusa. Leonard won a bike cover from Motorcycle Accessory Supermarket AND a voucher for a photo from www.cacklingpipes.com

<b>* Best Reaction Time (all bikes) : STEVE 'stole my prize money' REIMANN</b> with a PERFECT 0.00 on his Hayabusa. Steve also took home $1200 cash jackpot from WSID!!!!! Steves shout!

At this point I gotta say thanks to CAS, Dave Gilbert and also to Dee who all helped out to get the night together - thanks guys!!!!

<b>1st November is the next Bike Night @ WSID - see you there!! Lets see if we can get 70 bikes entered!</b>

'Drag Queen' www.bikeme.tv
A great night even for the spectators and pit crew..

Heidi preps up for the first run.

Nice to meet your sisters too Heidi.
Sorry I didn't get a chance to show them my scars.

(I'm not always a gentleman)

Had a great blast back home but froze my tits off.

I'm not using it anyway!<i>Edited by: BUSGO at: 5/10/06 11:01 am
Well done Ali and everyone involved, I have never seen so many bikes it was bigger than bike fest, I had a great night and so all the newbies
I found the launching line very slippery sideway everytime next time out I'll drop my tyre pressure below 20psi
your 6 packs are safe for now, I'll try and get back in two weeks time for a run.
Heidi the new fasted ACT 1/4 Drag Queen, well done Dude
Guido new PB
Kawa salesman of the year
Leonard just to bloody fast what ever he gets on
and special thanks to the young Guy in the staging lanes that was trying to buy my bike of me I think it was because his Girlfriend was all over it

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
He wanted it cuase it's fully sick

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>

Photos are up!! Copies can be ordered through the www.cacklingpipes.com website and are great quality. <i></i>
Good to see your here Ali, does that mean your going to buy a busa Also how did your NOS bottle go


Webdesigner, Photographer and all round hoon :)<i></i>
Ping 01
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
Arhh I can see good things happening to the old copper bike..
like a sub 10,before Bruce gets there. Cheers,
Good shot Simmo, looks like your on a mission.

Leonard. <i></i>
Sneaking out for at test run on the 19th anyone in
Gotta get that pallet of of Bruce before he gets me
Kawwa keep quiet

Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>

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