Suspension modification
Took the old bus down to check out the scruteneering day at QUIT. Lots of discussion over what constitues a "modified" suspension. Does a set of aftermarket dogbones set lower constitue a modified suspension? Two camps couldn't decide. Strange though, you can strap the front no worries!
What the east coast doing? Same rule book, some ANDRA but differing interpretations. <i></i>
Bear what class are you running in? Mod bike or...?

If your in Mod bike you dont have to have working rear shock

at all

and if your running in Comp: A/SB your only have to have a

small amount of travel in the front and back.

It sounds like they are just haveing a go at you. What did

they not like about the dog bones Do you have a copy of

the ANDRA rule book. I can go and check mine if you have a

question regarding them Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
Bear, they are legal for all ANDRA track scruitineering.
You have to have a minimum 1 inch of suspension travel in front.
Thanks guys. Actually, they were very helpful and I'm sure I will be OK with the bones. That started another conversation because they asked where I'd got them and when I told them I made them, they started a tut tut about that too. Said if I'd bought some from Schnitz, I would have got a certificate! Bloody haha. I've actually got a cert for the 7075 T6 I bought and had laser cut, so were really happy then.
In then end, they went out of their way, so really appreciated that.
I think I'm in A/SB!
Got a rule book now so into it! <i></i>
My one's are home made and they went thru an ANDRA Teck

inspection. No one ever asked about how or who made them.

They must be tough on bikes over there, my bikes bin to a few

ADR rounds as well ( about 4 years worth ) and never bin

looked at that hard... Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
Just my luck I guess.
I read the rules and it says a lanyard is required on ignition. Strange, they never even asked about that! Do you guys need them over east? <i></i>
you have to have one if you race in comp, but not in mod.
you only nead one if you go under a set time in mod bike.
I cant remember what the time is that they have in the book.
Tim Mclure ( not sure on spelling ) has the fastest A/SB Busa
in OZ and comes from WA. You should hit him up next time your at the track, and get some advice from him. His Busa's
gone a 9.1 something so he must have a good idea on set up.
He is only a few tenths off the OZ record...I think Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
Hey Richard, when are you going to stick an arm on that beast, give her a dry shot of Gas and come play heads up no-bar....We went 8.27 the other day....It's a great series mate. Heaps of incentive to go fast.
Greig <i></i>
Ian, You only need the lanyard when you run under 10. If you get the chance talk to Tim at the track he rides a metalflake purple 1397 busa and is a hell of a nice bloke. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Hi Greg, bin thinking about an arm and a lock up for it..

sounds like it was a shit load of fun. I will look at doing a few

more of the Sport Compact stuff next year. Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
Now ya talking mate.....Throw a bunch of inches at it and come have some fun.
It really was a great time and they treated the bike guys with a heap of respect. <i></i>
Richard, Griffo has a long arm laying around, if you wanted to get the feel of one. If you are after a 6+ tail let me know too I can sort one out for you.
You will love the Sport Compact Series, apart from the last winters I haven't been to a better meet, and the girls <i></i>
Hi Bear

The reason I think they were asking is if you have modified Suspension your bike will need to be Teched if you havent done so already.

Yep Tim is a nice bloke, spoke to him at the 2005 WinterNationals, he come over with his brother and the Patterson Ducatis.

If you meed a Lanyard Kill I can sort you out with a PMR in Black. No word on the seat, I will speak to them today, I will have to put pressure on as there are a few people who want them now!


I wsa thinking about asking him for a lend of it to see what it was like. Greg I'll send you an email for a price on one of your clutch's soon...... Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>

Put an arm on it and be prepared to run into the 8's or your wasting your time and money.

Learn to ride what you have first, I realize the tracks are not the best but putting an arm on it will make it worse.(ask Griffo)

Mid to low 9's are acheiveable on your setup, I'm sure you can do it mate.

Practise, Practise and more Practise.



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