14-09-2006, 08:32pm
I have been over in W.A. working for the last 5 weeks and was busting for a race so I finished work at early at 3pm and loaded both my bike and a mates ZX10 onto the back of the truck - we left Collie and stopped into Allinson to pick up another mate and his wife then off to the DRAGS . We were running late so I put the foot down and sure enough a camera flash doing 130 in a 110 zone was the result. Bugger
We arrived at the motorplex at 5.50pm after a 2 and a bit hour drive and in a mad rush unloaded the bikes, then into scrutineering where they actually checked the bikes. Squeezed the brakes, twisted the throttle and even checked that the lights worked . WSID scrutineering usually involves putting a sticker on your screen no wonder there are so many mechanical failures and down time at WSID). The motorplex is a beautiful facility very well set out similar in some ways to WSID on a slightly smaller scale but brighter cleaner and definitely more scenic (the food is just as overpriced and shitty). I loved the big screen that focused on cars and bikes as they staged and then followed them down the strip for the crowd to watch closeup.
We rode around to the lanes and were amazed to see at least 50 bikes lined up waiting to race. What an fantastic turnout!!! I have been to most Sydney Wicked Wednesdays over the last 12 months and have only seen that many bikes turn up for the occasional Rapid bike nights. There were almost as many bikes as cars!!!. We did a walk around and met a heap of friendly riders including four on Hayabusa’s - then it was time to race.
The track was used for the first time this season last Wednesday so traction was absolutely shocking, I spun off the line and all the way through first - second and third gears. It was down right dangerous with even the stockish cars smoking it in most places. So again like WSID f*** all track prep. LOL This was the worst I have ever seen even with 15psi in the rear she smoked off the line every time for a best 60’-0 of a lousy 1.9 and a best time of an equally lousy 10.5 wheel spinning all the way. I’m sure that at a proper event track prep will equal any track in the country. Cant wait for mid next month for the first test and tune.
We all had an awesome time I introduced a mate on his ZX10 to his first drag racing experience and even with no traction he was hooked.
We will both be back.
N2O no laughing matter
We arrived at the motorplex at 5.50pm after a 2 and a bit hour drive and in a mad rush unloaded the bikes, then into scrutineering where they actually checked the bikes. Squeezed the brakes, twisted the throttle and even checked that the lights worked . WSID scrutineering usually involves putting a sticker on your screen no wonder there are so many mechanical failures and down time at WSID). The motorplex is a beautiful facility very well set out similar in some ways to WSID on a slightly smaller scale but brighter cleaner and definitely more scenic (the food is just as overpriced and shitty). I loved the big screen that focused on cars and bikes as they staged and then followed them down the strip for the crowd to watch closeup.
We rode around to the lanes and were amazed to see at least 50 bikes lined up waiting to race. What an fantastic turnout!!! I have been to most Sydney Wicked Wednesdays over the last 12 months and have only seen that many bikes turn up for the occasional Rapid bike nights. There were almost as many bikes as cars!!!. We did a walk around and met a heap of friendly riders including four on Hayabusa’s - then it was time to race.
The track was used for the first time this season last Wednesday so traction was absolutely shocking, I spun off the line and all the way through first - second and third gears. It was down right dangerous with even the stockish cars smoking it in most places. So again like WSID f*** all track prep. LOL This was the worst I have ever seen even with 15psi in the rear she smoked off the line every time for a best 60’-0 of a lousy 1.9 and a best time of an equally lousy 10.5 wheel spinning all the way. I’m sure that at a proper event track prep will equal any track in the country. Cant wait for mid next month for the first test and tune.
We all had an awesome time I introduced a mate on his ZX10 to his first drag racing experience and even with no traction he was hooked.
We will both be back.
N2O no laughing matter