Melbourne - Wednesday Lattes
Gave up on you at about 9:45 - 10:00 ...

Not a large turn out - myself, Baldy and driver Kristy, John, and Scott (hope I got those last two correct...) <i></i>
Hey guys, arrived home safe last night. Sorry I didn't get to meet up with more members at Cleo's. I did get to meet Baldy Bo, shit mate, what a mess!!!

Baldy, have you had any luck catching up with the boys in blue yet?

Met another guy as well, however, he seemed to have a very low opinion of the members of this forum, However I left him alone, I don't need to waste my time with people like him.

Had a great holiday, however, about half way along the Great Ocean Road in my car, I was wishing that I had taken the bus.

Terry <i></i>
Hi Diablo,

Sorry that I couldn't make it down to Cleos when you were in town.
Hope you had a fantastic trip. Glad to see that you got home safe Cheers,
(Yay, I know what gear I'm in !)<i></i>
Hey Diablo, Good to meet ya. spoke to the cop who was at the accident, good to know something about the smash. Hope you had a good time in melbourne, was good to catch up. <i></i>
Anyone caffeining tonight?
Looks like I might get a chance tonight. Haven't been on the bike for a while.... wonder if it still runs

With some luck, I'll be there. I hope. Again. Cheers,
(Yay, I know what gear I'm in !)<i></i>
Thanks for a great night. Fantastic to catch up with you all Cheers,
(Yay, I know what gear I'm in !)<i></i>
Backs gone, bulging disc or something.
I can still root though...phew!
Same as what Gdyup had...knew I should've hung around him... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
Glad to hear u got a root pete, hope your bum doesn't hurt as much as your back. <i></i>
thanks m8ee!
Hey hang on a sec, I just reread that!

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
got down to Cleos tonight (Fri night)
Good to catch up with so many including Dirtbags.
Baldy Bo was there and although his spirits are high he ain't that good folks.
It's very sobering to see what can happen when u r minding your own biz and something out of the blue happens.
Baldy, keep smiling...the rest of you out there...take f*&^ing care!! <i></i>
HEY dj, My spirits are high, coz the drugs they gave me help. Gunna try and get to cleos on wed, just gotta get the kid to take me. <i></i>
Yeah i might try for this wed night seeing as all the wankers will be watching the bracks games opening ceremony.
im over it all aready and it hasnt even started yet.
Hey comming home tonite,they had friggen chapel st blocked off.Didnt stop me from getting through on the transalp(the urban assault vehicle) though.
And the reason it was blocked,the darling queen was comming through(plenty of them in prahan anyway)so i gave her the royal salute.
Phuck its the Phantom.......
There's the V-4 thing - there's just something about it that inline 4s
don't have, and V-twins have too much of.<i></i>
Are there any major road blockages tomorrow night around Cleos?
Might be handy to know in advance....
I hope you gave the queen an extra from me
(Yay, I know what gear I'm in !)<i>Edited by: Holger the Dane&nbsp; at: 14/3/06 7:44 pm
I think so, Holge, and for a while after, too, as we launch straight in to GP.

The area is being prepared for quite a few CG events - road races (bike and foot), I think the lake is being used, and MSAC has the biggest and busiest events (swimming) <i></i>

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