Melbourne - Wednesday Lattes
Is wednesday nights still on. Or do i set the alarm for summer. <i></i>
BETTER SET IT FOR SUMMER. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
of course its still bloody on...
(Isn't it?? )
Let's rock n roll baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby
Hey DJ,ill pick you up wednesday night. ill be on the 7:30pm tram to st kilda. <i></i>
Baldy Bracks would love that!
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
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Sorry lads,

I just can't make it again...... I wonder if the snow will stop falling soon..

I'm starting to sound like a broken record but perhaps next time.... if the weather is right.... and the moon is in the right spot..... and the ...

yeah right..

Have a good night,

Tom. <i></i>
I wouldnt worry Bazoo,i wouldnt think there would be anyone there tonight,we are not into sitting in fridges. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Be back there real soon... <i></i>
Who the hell are you?

hehe... good, we need our el presidente back to encourage these busa things out of their garages! <i></i>
Well wednesdays forecast is 18c,thats a heat wave after the snow and the other near freezing days.Will probably be there,this wed/night so will catch up with a few faces.cheers. <i></i>
If Ronnie Ramjet's in I'm in...
this one's gunna be a biggie.
I can feel it in the "vibe"
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

the silence is deafening...!
Hey I'm in good form 2night! Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

<i>Edited by: Djpete&nbsp; at: 15/8/05 10:30 pm
im in. thats 3 of us. thats a full house. <i></i>
I would like to come too on wed night,sooooo if any one of you fine lads from over this way is going,ide be only too happy to contribute to petrol money.
Ping Beestroyer,are you venturing out this week? Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Yep, looks like a goer <i></i>

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