Inspirational word's you live by.
Thought i'd start this thread on the basis that people could write the best inspirational word's that you've been told, and live your life by.

Thing's maybe your parent's/grandparent's told you. Or people you look up to and admire. This is a positive thread that I hope will encourage people to share there wisdom with other's.

After all, we all need some inspiration at time's don't we?

I'll start with my few I try my best to live by-:

We are the company we keep.
It's not alway's how other's treat other's, it's how they treat you.
What you give out, sooner or later you will get it back.
We are all energy, and one day we must give it back.
Try to smile at a stranger each day.
If you love someone, tell them often.
If your going to do something, do it with passion.

There, hope I haven't just walked out on to a lonely ledge in doing this but hey, I'm me.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

One life, live it.
The only constant in life is change.
Not a quote but a video with quotes from people of all walks of life. If you get a change download the Lazy Boy album. Lots of REAL stuff like this.
If at first you don't succeed, parachuting is not for you.

Sorry! Frown
For me, Inspiration doesn't come from words, sayings, people, places, music, movies etc.... but is drawn purely from within.
Starting with a feeling that lends itself to a thought that projects itself out and becomes my behaviour. Everything else is merely an influence.

There is a very fine line between inspiration and influence, the difference being that influence will always come and go,
but inspiration will always remain....even if you aren't aware it's there.

One of the hardest things about inspiration, is knowing how to use it.

I can't be inspired by something I've never known.

Kelsea has came out with a good one dont no where she got it

suck it up
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Don't spend your life being upset, angry, or holding a grudge against someone-they either don't care, or have already forgotten about it.
Things turn out best,
For those who make the best,
Of the way that things turn out.

Get a good bed and some good boots,
If your not in one your in the other.

Never marry for money,
But it doesn't hurt to marry where there is some.

Black,blue,white,yellow or green,no difference,we all bleed red.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
Long is the way
And hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light.
Do what you say, and say what you do
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Everything happens for a reason. Try to learn from it or take something positive from it.
"Ride to your potential, not the Hayabusa's potential" - Franko, 2004
When you hit rock bottom, you should take note that the only way is up.

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