Quote Of The day Thread
Have an inspirational, funny or even sarcastic quote? Add it here. If it's bike related even better. If it's good enough it may get added to the front page rotating quotes area and you will be famous!
Here is an example they need to be fairly short so they fit nicely too.

"Remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else"
Saying I have come across over the years...

"People are like Motorcycles: each is customized a bit differently."

"Riding faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride alone."

"Keep your bike in good repair: Motorcycle boots are NOT comfortable for walking."

"'Oh Shit!' is usually the moment when your plan parts ways with reality."

"Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle."

"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."

Coolafro Biker
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Bike related - Assume everyone on the road is a taxi driver. Truck driver.
Assume that %50 of people can't see you and %50 are aiming for you. Motorcycle copper.

NBR - The problem with internet quotes is that there is no way to test their veracity. Abraham Lincoln.
"and when I gun the engine I want people to think that the world is coming to an end"
Sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish market.

not sure if that one will make it past the sensors Dan. rotfl
(08-01-2013, 12:51pm)Dan85 Wrote: Sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish market.

This one is quote of the "year" ..

I used it today .. thanks Dan Trophy
Heard a good one the other day; "Kiwis don't have an accent, they have a speech impediment"
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
I like the old "Don't Assume" .. It makes an Ass out of U and Me

I use it alot with my apprentices ..
shit doesnt happen A-hole,s cause it,
your about as bright as a 5 watt bulb,
if i wanted to hear from sh1t i would have farted.
if you brains were dynamite,and they exploded ,there wouldnt be enough to blow a part in your hair.

If I wanted shit from you, I'd squeeze your head
Ya can't put brains in a statue
Ya can't educate an idiot
There's two dickheads in here mate, and you're both of them.
If you took every idiot out of every town in the country, put them together in one town, you'd be that towns' idiot.
(08-01-2013, 12:51pm)Dan85 Wrote: Sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish market.

I always liked

Sweating like a cat in Chinese kitchen.
Just when you made it idiot proof, they go and make a better idiot.
Most of Batfinks and Kendos have been added.
Sorry someone has to be judge. :-(
Keep them coming and I will update every few weeks or so
Women are like spaghetti. Straight until wet.

A quote from a bike mag, "The Hayabusa pulls harder than a 15 year old."

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