Jake, sent you 2 pm's and 2 sms....no reply to any... so this is a last ditch thread at attempting to organise the trip up with you.

Are you still coming to Tathra. Are you still meeting me on Friday morning to ride up????

If I don't hear anything by tomorrow lunch.....I'm leaving early and you're on your own.
hi mate, been goin thru a bit of shit, cant reply to messages, phones been cut off, no internet at home, n works been stupidly slow. i wont be making it to the busa bash this year, i dont have enought $$$$ for petrol to get me there!!! sorry for any inconvenience i have caused anyone, and to the alchemist. times are rough, was relying on the tlr to sell but the guy left me dry.
sorry guys
aww shit jake, no good at all....do you still have the time off work? busa ready to roll? sounds like you need a weekend up in Tathra!!!!

Give me a call asap if you still want to come....I'll work something out for ya.
hey mate, yea still have the time off work, but no cash whatsoever, try give me a call again, last night i didnt have my phone, and couldnt call u back
Heya Jake...I've had family and close friends do it tough from time to time....and I know how hard it has been on them in those situations.

So, if Paul is gonna help you get up to the BB.....then I am keen to help you out with some refreshments whilst you're here!! We're all mates in this club...and we look after each other when we can!! Pi_thumbsup

Please don't let a temporary hiccup kill-off a great weekend mate.....get ur ass up there!!!! BikerBikerBikerBiker

nah, i cant take a free weekend guys, and i hate feeling like im in debt, give me a couple of hours to see if i can sort some money and ill try get on to paul.
yeah, do what ya can Jake. If ya can swing it, let me know, or if ya need a little help the offers are there.

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