Night shift for the dead
Just venting here about the quality of what's passing for entertainment these days so please don't take this post seriously. I came across a movie while channel surfing that seemed to be based around video clips of spooky events, in this case in the bedroom while the person was sleeping, and I noticed from the time in the corner of the video that every time something happened it was in the mid AM, what is up with that? spooks cant do there thing during business hours? You die and go on eternal night shift? Honestly, if some dopey ghost was waking me up at 4.00 am in the FcKN morning fear would be the last emotion I would be feeling, no offence intended.
Ego vero custos fratris mei sum
Here ya go Banter....this little ghost works during business hours Scary

ha ha......nice....lotsa stained underwear right there!!!

The screaming would give it away for me though :)
Some of my favourite creepy movies maybe you'll like them too:
Session 9
Mothman Prophecies
The Grudge series
Japanese ring series (ring 0 is quite good too)
grave encounters for a budget scare (bare with it, it gets much much better, the beginning is a trick)
the tunnel (australian movie, pretty good!)
I quite liked the paranormal activity movies but I know a lot of people HATED them, same goes for Blair Witch Project. I loved it, but everyone else hated it.
The British version of woman in black, it was a TV movie, that one has some CREEPY atmosphere but it's budget!

If violence doesn't bother you, you can try watching 'the poughkeepsie tapes', just made me depressed. Horrible, horrible movie, but it's the sign of a good movie if you think about it for a few days after you've watched it. It's not like SAW or the hostel or texas chainsaw massacre, I think it's possibly the best/worst movie I've ever seen - and I wished I'd never watched it!

I agree all ghost stories are bullshit, the ghost itself is an absurd contradiction - how can you exist in a physical universe, if you have no physical properties?
But it's all about imagination really :)
I'd be on the ground, squealing like a girl .. Ghosts aren't my thing. My sister and I saw one when we were little kids, we still talk about to this day ..
(05-12-2012, 07:33am)BikerBoy Wrote: Here ya go Banter....this little ghost works during business hours Scary

That's a good one, I'd be screaming too I had to spend eternity in a lift, still the hours are a bit better, I wonder if she gets confined space allowance?
(05-12-2012, 08:02pm)Dale Wrote: I'd be on the ground, squealing like a girl .. Ghosts aren't my thing. My sister and I saw one when we were little kids, we still talk about to this day ..

I have never seen a ghost but when my mom worked in geriatric,s as a nurse she became very fond of a lady who eventually passed away while she was on shift, it was expected but upsetting all the same, she often said it was the hardest part of the job. At the end of her shift, night shift by the way, mom would always make a cup of tea when she got home and relax for a bit before heading to bed and because the kitchen door was across from there bedroom door my dad would often see her come home as she went into the kitchen. On that night as he looked across the room he could see another lady coming in behind mom and just thought that she had brought a friend home for a cuppa, there was something odd about the situation but he brushed it of and went back to sleep. When he asked her the next day who it was, well obviously there was no one there, it was then he realised that lady was dressed in a night gown and seemed to float behind mom, of course at that hour she could have been juggling chickens and singing Yanky doodle and he still would have nodded back of, good sleeper my dad something I seemed to have picked up, maybe that why I have never seen a ghost, they put me in the too hard basket. Any way, it never happened again and the story got told less and less as time went by, mom just put it down to the old girl saying her last good bye and the old man shrugged it of as one of those things but among the older nurses who worked in the gereactric wards or Gods waiting room as they would say, it was fairly common to hear similar stories.
Ego vero custos fratris mei sum
(06-12-2012, 06:29am)Banter Wrote:
(05-12-2012, 07:33am)BikerBoy Wrote: Here ya go Banter....this little ghost works during business hours Scary

That's a good one, I'd be screaming too I had to spend eternity in a lift, still the hours are a bit better, I wonder if she gets confined space allowance?
(05-12-2012, 08:02pm)Dale Wrote: I'd be on the ground, squealing like a girl .. Ghosts aren't my thing. My sister and I saw one when we were little kids, we still talk about to this day ..

I have never seen a ghost but when my mom worked in geriatric,s as a nurse she became very fond of a lady who eventually passed away while she was on shift, it was expected but upsetting all the same, she often said it was the hardest part of the job. At the end of her shift, night shift by the way, mom would always make a cup of tea when she got home and relax for a bit before heading to bed and because the kitchen door was across from there bedroom door my dad would often see her come home as she went into the kitchen. On that night as he looked across the room he could see another lady coming in behind mom and just thought that she had brought a friend home for a cuppa, there was something odd about the situation but he brushed it of and went back to sleep. When he asked her the next day who it was, well obviously there was no one there, it was then he realised that lady was dressed in a night gown and seemed to float behind mom, of course at that hour she could have been juggling chickens and singing Yanky doodle and he still would have nodded back of, good sleeper my dad something I seemed to have picked up, maybe that why I have never seen a ghost, they put me in the too hard basket. Any way, it never happened again and the story got told less and less as time went by, mom just put it down to the old girl saying her last good bye and the old man shrugged it of as one of those things but among the older nurses who worked in the gereactric wards or Gods waiting room as they would say, it was fairly common to hear similar stories.

That story just gave me goosebumps.

Something else that happens (too bloody often actually) .. there is a song (everybody hurts by REM) that was played at a friends funeral 14 years ago. Whenever I hear this song, someone I know passes away .. coincidence maybe, I hope so. The last time I heard the song on the radio .. Peter passed that night.
How about this speaking of ghosts. The first Paranormal Activity movie, look at the doors in the house, they are exactly the same as ours. And remember the manhole that was moved open. We have had that happen twice in our house, came home and the manhole was pushed up about 4 inched to get off the lip and moved across. You want some good ghosts come round here, I'm sure there's some about. lol
Wasn't going to post this as it is quite personal to me/us and it's the first time I've really said this publicly...but enough time has passed so here goes; This took place about 8 years ago.

My wife and I lived with a spirit for around 3 years .....not long after we bought and moved into our first home together. If you came to our house during that period, you'd have chills down your spine.....not from anything bad or creepy going on, but the presence alone would be picked up by anyone and everyone without mentioning a single word about it. Most guests could not cope with the sensation and would not stay long. My dog certainly knew about it and any room of the house where the spirit dog would not go near and you could tell he was freaked out. It was also brought up by a mind blowing psychic that randomly picked me out of a crowd at a local event one day.......perfectly described a family member who had died (and how) and told me I was being watched over and looked after......a lot happened in my life during that time to deny that it was real and actualy was, and it was obvious!!.

I will not describe events that took place or situations that affected me personaly but I can say apart from the usual feelings/experiences on occasion we'd feel a touch or sometimes more......but that was rare to happen. When it did though..... you certainly knew it!!. The most intense point of communication/contact though was on advice I was given by a medium to 'have a little chat' and say "there is no reason for you to be here with us anymore and you are free to move on (+ more I wont mention)"....that was met with the most skin and spine tingling sensation I've ever experienced in my felt as though I was being hugged while electricity was being put through my body..... I seriously could not move but never in my life have I felt so alive!!!!. After that.....nothing....gone.

In all honesty....whoever, whatever we experienced.....I miss it. Sounds a bit crazy and would take a while to explain why, but I'll never forget it..... and am grateful to have gone though it.
Part of me believes that I've been given a gift that I still don't understand..... and that feeling I mentioned.....NEVER goes away!!!!
(19-12-2012, 08:11pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Wasn't going to post this as it is quite personal to me/us and it's the first time I've really said this publicly...but enough time has passed so here goes; This took place about 8 years ago.

My wife and I lived with a spirit for around 3 years .....not long after we bought and moved into our first home together. If you came to our house during that period, you'd have chills down your spine.....not from anything bad or creepy going on, but the presence alone would be picked up by anyone and everyone without mentioning a single word about it. Most guests could not cope with the sensation and would not stay long. My dog certainly knew about it and any room of the house where the spirit dog would not go near and you could tell he was freaked out. It was also brought up by a mind blowing psychic that randomly picked me out of a crowd at a local event one day.......perfectly described a family member who had died (and how) and told me I was being watched over and looked after......a lot happened in my life during that time todeny that it was real and actualy was, and it was obvious!!.

I will not describe events that took place or situations that affected me personaly but I can say apart from the usual feelings/experiences on occasion we'd feel a touch or sometimes more......but that was rare to happen. When it did though..... you certainly knew it!!. The most intense point of communication/contact though was on advice I was given by a medium to 'have a little chat' and say "there is no reason for you to be here with us anymore and you are free to move on (+ more I wont mention)"....that was met with the most skin and spine tingling sensation I've ever experienced in my felt as though I was being hugged
while electricity was being put through my body..... I seriously could not move but never in my life have I felt so alive!!!!. After that.....nothing....gone.
In all honesty....whoever, whatever we experienced.....I miss it. Sounds a bit crazy and would take a while to explain why, but I'll never forget it..... and am grateful to have gone though it.
Part of me believes that I've been given a gift that I still don't understand..... and that feeling I mentioned.....NEVER goes away!!!!
Bloody hell bikerboy!! That was scary just reading that! I remember as a young guy my mates, girlfriends and I were going to have a go at a weegy board, I told the old man and I still remember the look in his eyes when he said no way cause he did that 30 yrs before and still won't talk about it!! there's things we just can't explain sometimes.

(19-12-2012, 09:37pm)06BUSA Wrote:
(19-12-2012, 08:11pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Wasn't going to post this as it is quite personal to me/us and it's the first time I've really said this publicly...but enough time has passed so here goes; This took place about 8 years ago.

My wife and I lived with a spirit for around 3 years .....not long after we bought and moved into our first home together. If you came to our house during that period, you'd have chills down your spine.....not from anything bad or creepy going on, but the presence alone would be picked up by anyone and everyone without mentioning a single word about it. Most guests could not cope with the sensation and would not stay long. My dog certainly knew about it and any room of the house where the spirit dog would not go near and you could tell he was freaked out. It was also brought up by a mind blowing psychic that randomly picked me out of a crowd at a local event one day.......perfectly described a family member who had died (and how) and told me I was being watched over and looked after......a lot happened in my life during that time todeny that it was real and actualy was, and it was obvious!!.

I will not describe events that took place or situations that affected me personaly but I can say apart from the usual feelings/experiences on occasion we'd feel a touch or sometimes more......but that was rare to happen. When it did though..... you certainly knew it!!. The most intense point of communication/contact though was on advice I was given by a medium to 'have a little chat' and say "there is no reason for you to be here with us anymore and you are free to move on (+ more I wont mention)"....that was met with the most skin and spine tingling sensation I've ever experienced in my felt as though I was being hugged
while electricity was being put through my body..... I seriously could not move but never in my life have I felt so alive!!!!. After that.....nothing....gone.
In all honesty....whoever, whatever we experienced.....I miss it. Sounds a bit crazy and would take a while to explain why, but I'll never forget it..... and am grateful to have gone though it.
Part of me believes that I've been given a gift that I still don't understand..... and that feeling I mentioned.....NEVER goes away!!!!
Bloody hell bikerboy!! That was scary just reading that! I remember as a young guy my mates, girlfriends and I were going to have a go at a weegy board, I told the old man and I still remember the look in his eyes when he said no way cause he did that 30 yrs before and still won't talk about it!! there's things we just can't explain sometimes.

have to say that the entire experience over that time was never one of feeling scared.....the complete opposite infact. At first it did feel very uneasy but my wife and I soon settled into it and it literaly did become a normal part of our life.

As for ouija boards.......NEVER AGAIN!!!!!! Once was too many times!!

Also, my experiences don't end with what my wife and I went through....and the most recent was actually earlier this year..... and it did scare the f*** out of me!!!
The events that took place and the pure unexplainable situation leaves me speachless....but this time it was 100% visual.... as real as anything I've ever seen, however what I saw was as clear as day in my mirror....multiple times.........when absolutely nothing was there!!! ( I was on the bike at the time).
When I was 16, I moved in with Dad and his 2nd wife (and her kids). Dad's new wife used to tell us stories about "George" the ghost that lived in the laundry under the house. I used to laugh it off until ..

Shortly after I moved in they converted "under the house" into a bedroom that my step brother and I shared. Some of the things that happened in that room cannot be explained (logically anyway). The 2 dogs they had would not enter that room, ever. One day after school I went into our bedroom and a "human" shape was indented into my bed, as if someone was lying there, but nobody was. Another time when I was lying in bed I felt as though I was being "pinned down", but again, nobody there. Again, another night, I woke to the feeling of someone breathing hot air on my face, again, nobody. The most chilling thing ever was a photo taken in the house of the whole family at xmas. In the shot you could clearly see another face in the background, he wasn't part of the family. I don't have anything to do with the family anymore as Dad and her seperated, so I wouldn't even know what happened to that photo.

Later on, after I had moved into my own place, the step mother had a seance in the house. That freaked her out to the point she refused to talk about it.

Some things in life can't be explained ..

Guys , a good sign I reckon is when the animals get freaked out. We had that at an old 200 year old building site we worked on where people had actually died on level two underground. It gave all of us the chills to the spine to be there by ourselves or with someone, and we used to play tricks on the new workers to come down there by themselves to get something, no one came back feeling comfortable. Two guys ran back upstairs when they heard and felt something.

It was a 1 metre wide fully lit sloping zig zagged walkway, not stepped, that went for about 70 metres underground to the supplies room with only one entry/exit, the other entry exit was permanently locked.

It was when the German Shepherd security dog went nuts with its handler that we all believed that there was a presence of some sort down there one night. No one played games on this dog, she was clearly freaked out. She would not go down there with anyone again. Man the poor dog was livid, and I love dogs and would never let anyone or myself freak one out like it was that night, she was wimpering , her fur was up and refused to go back down there, man she was scared of something th poor thing. The owner/handler told us that she had never done this behaviour ever. I dont know but dogs can sometimes tell when their owners have cancer, or about to have fits, or when there is danger. yes there are rats there but they are rare.

I have been there on my own a few times to get suppies and I can tell you that you feel as though something/s is either watching you and it is not a good vibe. I do not stay there long and feel silly when I look over my shoulder sometimes.

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