go give it to em Simmo
might just rain though
check out the BOM site <i></i>
Rapid spat the dummy on another page --no more braggin rights.
Very Sensitive <i></i>
Yep no more Bragging Board by the look of it, its not on Rapids web site anymore
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
How many really care? <i></i>
Your right Gazza, dont need no Braggin Board 7.88 is the time to beat, so get out there and kick ass.
you better watch out blackkat i got an undertail now im chasing your time!!!! <i></i>
Does that Undertail come with a Jet Dan!!!
I know of a few people that use to watch the Braggin Board, me included. Thought it was a nice way of putting things in to perspective against the other states, see how the competition are going so to speak.
Shayne <i></i>
No abusa its got twin red lights tho <i></i>
Yep Shayne I liked it
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
It's pretty hard to compare results with WSID and Willowbank.
The Shootouts happen on a T&T at Willowbank with a half prepared track.
At Wsid last shootout for example it would have been better to line up at the lights on the GreatWestern Hwy as the track was in miserable condition.(ever seen a stock busa wheel spin to the 660' before it hooked up with a mph of 134 instead of 140?
Cant compare, got to get a couple of guys from Wsid up to Willowbank to sample what real drag racing is about!
Leonard. <i></i>
Talk about track prep!!
I was the first bike to run last Wednesday and looked up to see a washer bottle in the middle of the track right in front of my wheel, not fun when the throttle is pinned at over 200kph.
Lucky I even looked up as I normally only look at the shift light and rely on peripheral vision to see where I am on the track.
The marshals didnt see it until I told them after the run, care factor nil. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
How did you go by the way?nines yet?gotta be close!
No closer Steve still running 10's I had a couple of months off working interstate so starting over.
I should retract my earlier comments there are some great guys working out there. Would be a shit load better if we banned the fuggin cars. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 30/6/06 7:55 pm
I know they make some glaring mistakes but as most of the staff are only semi proffesional,I would cut them a little slack. (bit moderate for me I know!)How did you go by the way?nines yet?gotta be close! <i></i>
The staff are not to blame, the people above are.
Dont lose any hair over it.
Leonard. <i></i>