Vic-sunday ride to noojee toolshed for lunch sun 18th
Hey raz

U too should wait at paky servo,
As we are now going into paky town
For first fuel stop @servo & macca's
B there b4 9am.

Or wait on side of the monash freeway,at 8.20am for us to roll past & catch up
yep - I'll see you there.. bloody early :/ atleast I can get breaky lol
we stoppin at Noojee or going to bawbaw after lunch?
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So, maccas Pakenham in town at 9am?, hope to see ya there:)
I'll be at hoppers,bit before 8am
Dont have a too big a breaky, leave some room for lunch

As I said packed & stacked plate meals

My taste buds are wettin up now
I am actually to being on the gen2 bus. Ill meet you guys at noojee as i am picking him up at healsville.
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The citylink tunnels are closed till 9am-
We'll zig zag our way past them -for paky
Just had small patch of rain pass,15mins worth
To me thats a no biga deal, 6.30am-6.45am
It should nic Off & settle the dust
It will blow over, lets roll!
Rods not coming-a bit wet mornin
He's gone back to bed,
Ride is cancelled
Dam it, had my bike ready,what about next weekend?
Sitting in Pakenham Maccas watching rain come down! Actually blue sky in the west, so clearing. No big deal, live 10 mins away in Nar Nar Goon North. Back to sea on Wednesday for 4 weeks. Rob
Nathan & beau went home,me & grant
Went west for a ride -leavin grant at deans marsh
He's goin the gor & im zig zagn anywhere
Sitting in the sun at the Noojee Toolshed having a rum. Fell over in the fxxxxing car park tho! What a great place! Hope this ride can be arranged some other time. Pretty wet ride here but the sun came out pretty quick. Great buzz blasting thru the clouds of steam coming off the warm road. Head home soon. Rob
Bloody hell! I just rocked up here to find u pussys canned it.due to a little rain. Friggen dry roads. I am the only busa here.... no rain..... bah! :-)
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We'll have to get that ride organised again? After tahra It did look shitty from hoppers crossing,Was wettish from warrrnambool to Geelong.Then started to rain.Boys thought it would be pissing down rain on east ride all Corbin took me back roading to Bacchus marsh down to winchelsea.Then I head to Lorne Apollo bay,lavers hill and home.

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