06-09-2012, 09:09am
Why is there no list up
Of who's going to tathra this year ??
(too many legal issues i c )
IF ya comin post it here-if not dont waste the space
Well Im in , i c u at tathra then
Im null & void of any resposibilities
If you get pregnant-or you misses gets up the duff
Awhlie your away-its not my fault
If you drink tooo much & crash out, & ride irrasponsibly
To any safety or lack of being safe around others-your at fault
You wake up with makeup -and feel sore-your fault
If you disrespect bundy(owner of human called tex)but may look like a dog
You get what she dishes out-
If you film me spewin my guts out & u film it
Good luck to ya-
If you crash your bike-I feel sad,for your lose,
But please dont cause someone else to crash out
Nsw( wiggles state ) laws apply
Lets have fun lets have fun
All else lets be safe & have fun
Of who's going to tathra this year ??
(too many legal issues i c )
IF ya comin post it here-if not dont waste the space
Well Im in , i c u at tathra then

Im null & void of any resposibilities
If you get pregnant-or you misses gets up the duff
Awhlie your away-its not my fault
If you drink tooo much & crash out, & ride irrasponsibly
To any safety or lack of being safe around others-your at fault
You wake up with makeup -and feel sore-your fault
If you disrespect bundy(owner of human called tex)but may look like a dog
You get what she dishes out-
If you film me spewin my guts out & u film it
Good luck to ya-
If you crash your bike-I feel sad,for your lose,
But please dont cause someone else to crash out
Nsw( wiggles state ) laws apply
Lets have fun lets have fun
All else lets be safe & have fun