busa's in your local area
My next door neighbour has a red/black Gen1. Funnily enough, we own the only two busas here on base. Now they are next door to eachother!

only a rider knows why a dog sticks his head out the car window...
Met a Busa member at pie in the sky on Monday was good to meet another member off forum
(09-04-2012, 01:46pm)Camikaze Wrote: My next door neighbour has a red/black Gen1.

He has good taste!

I saw an idiot on a red/black Gen 1 at 6:20am this morning, riding in the freezing cold...

Oh hang on. That was my reflection in the shop front! Idiot2
White gen 2 (fridge) heading north up F3 yesterday morning.
did a run through robo and KV stopped at the pub and low and behold there was franko and ceaillo for forum members out on bikes

good to catch up guys
I spotted a nice looking K10 Black/Red on the bass hwy near penguin last Sat in Tassie
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
2:15pm Sunday 23/08. Beer in hand, sitting on the front verandah looking out at my favourite patch Bells Line.. There goes a black Gen 1 with clear front indictor lenses and stainless pipes. He's just overtaken a car and there's a dark Gen 2 and followed by an Orange Gen 1 with smokey front indicator lenses. Wish my bike was regoed but it's great seeing sites like this from my front verandah with beer in hand. Cheers.
(29-04-2012, 05:23pm)CeeJay07 Wrote: White gen 2 (fridge) heading north up F3 yesterday morning.

That was me, I was on my way to Mt White Cafe for brekky after a night shift.

Fridge Hey Knuppel2
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
saw a white gen 2 travelling behind me
for a bit on the hume hwy campbeltown
on tue around 2.30pm.
Ran into a couple on a nice "angry salmon" at robbo pie shop on Saturday. We gave him a club card so hopefully he will chime in ..
ive got the fightered 99,my mate over the road has an 2007 painted black,and tex n bundys is blue and 1k up the street from me

and i just saw around 7 come through macksville on sunday arvo
I see a nice G2 with 200HP on the reg plate ridding up Wells Rd Aspendale,Melb, on a regular basis, obviously a commuter.
Ego vero custos fratris mei sum
Apparently there are a few in Kal!! Like I said Apparently!! So far in tthe two months ive had the twisted angel, havent seen one other. I gues thay are just hiding waiting to see if I bite!! Pi_freak

If any Busa owners in Kal want to catch up 4 a beer and busa's flick me msg.
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes

My boss took a pic of these pair the other day heading south on the Hume, just before the Picton rd turnoff ..

(06-03-2013, 04:20pm)Dale Wrote: My boss took a pic of these pair the other day heading south on the Hume, just before the Picton rd turnoff ..

Up to mischief, no doubt... Pi_thumbsup

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