Troppo rides the ZX14R
Good for you.


Who cares what name is on the tank....
(07-03-2012, 08:07pm)beally55 Wrote: Guess what... i bought one.
Pick it up tomorrowSmitten
Without a doubt the nicest bike i have ever ridden.Had 2 busas ridden them for 7 years plus nand reckon thy are a fantastic bike , but time for a change. When Suzuki build a modern bike and don`t rely on the name HAYABUSA i would certainly look at buying another.Do yourself a favour and ride a 14 , and if you reckon it is shit put it on the forum,

Good for you Mate ,hope you enjoy it .Personally I'm with Max ,I even hate the name Kawasaki & have since their conception. I think there latest offering was designed by Steeve Wonder, but if we all had the same taste life would be boring.Bring it up to lobie Sunday & I'll give you my opinion ,but only if you ask for it, so don't .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
My last word on this subject is that if we are all too "blind-eyed" about this, we might be re-enacting exactly what the British thought of their bikes in the 1950's and 60's. They thought NOTHING could challenge them, even after Honda's mighty 750/4 finished them off in broad daylight. I'd like to think that like Muhamad Ali, who was severely bruised by smokin Joe Frazier, he came back to claim the crown as ownly he knew how. Perhaps the Hayabusa will rise again and do the same. BTW, the only Kawasaki I would buy in a heartbeat, is the W800.
Any one know how to run a drumming out ceremony ?

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
You already have sufficient capacity to enjoy the sound of your own drum beat by the look of things, but there's still some way to go before you are a musician.
(08-03-2012, 11:28am)Greeny_SA Wrote: Any one know how to run a drumming out ceremony ?

Greeny you can rip tha visa patches off my jacket if you likeFrownFrown
(09-03-2012, 09:11am)beally55 Wrote:
(08-03-2012, 11:28am)Greeny_SA Wrote: Any one know how to run a drumming out ceremony ?

Greeny you can rip tha visa patches off my jacket if you likeFrownFrown

You need something to remind you of your mighty Busa Mate.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Absolutly right FalcoPerigri Suzuki are resting on their laurals just as the British did back in the late sixties...the saying back then was 'jap crap' and the manufacturers opinion was nothing could topple the mighty singles and twins. Less than a decade later they shut the original triumph factory for good. The funniest thing I heard about was the manager of Norton saying 'the british motorcyclist likes nothing better than pulling the bikes head off on a Sunday morning to grind the valves in'.... a jap 250 could run rings around everything but the very biggest pommy thumper no wonder they went bust.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
I'm not sure why people are unhappy about Kawasaki finally putting a bike that is good enough to knock the Busa of it's perch and when it's all said and done to me the new ZX14 is nothing special. It has taken Kawasaki all this time and if memory serves me correct Kawasaki even held up the all conquering ZX12 initially because Kawasaki knew they didn't have the bike to knock off the Mighty Busa, ever since the Busa was released Kawasaki have been trying to knock the Busa off and every time a new model Kawasaki comes out to front the Busa it hasn't been successful so now they have and all I can say is about bloody time.

When the Busa was released back in 99 it turned the Hypersports Market on it's end and set a bench mark so good that it's taken this long to finally have someone good enough to take it on but the New ZX14 has only done enough to JUST knock the Busa off with some extra goodies. For me that's not enough to even look at a new bike yes the ZX has a few more electronics and appears to handle better but it should it's a new model and I would also have to agree with some others on here that it's a Kawasaki and for some reason I've never been a fan of the Kwaka mind you I do have a soft spot for the Z1's in there hey day.

Even when the Gen II came out it was only a refinement when it's all said and done of a truly remarkable bike which managed to keep Kawasaki at bay for another 4yrs so one would have to say that's a pretty impressive stint at the top of the Podium for this Class of Bike in any given term. As I have mentioned in other threads regarding the ZX14 I honestly Believe that Suzuki have an Ace up it's sleeve, you only have to look at the potential of the Busa and one would like to think that Suzuki will already have the research and the goodies to put the Busa back on top it's just a case of when. I believe that Suzuki have been waiting to really see if someone is going to step up to the plate and set the world on fire with their bike but to date no one has done this not even the new ZX14 yes it's certainly generated a lot of conversation but I don't think you will see heaps of people getting rid of there Busas just to get a ZX14. I believe this is mainly because when people ask what you ride and you come back and say a Busa you don't get a lot back normally Oh, people know the reputation that the Busa has and even though the ZX has knocked the Busa off the ZX14 won't be as special as the Busa..
How many on this forum can honestly say they can ride their busa to it's full potential? .. I know I can't .. it still scares the bejesus out of me at times.

Yes, I like the looks of the 14, and yes, I'd love to have a ride of one, but I would have no reason to upgrade/downgrade (whatever your opinion is) just because the ZX is quicker .. (it wouldn't be faster because mine is de-speed-limited .. I believe Embarassed .. I'm not game enough to find out .. yet), and I'm sure I'm not the only person that can say this.

What I'm trying to say is, it's all well and good to say "mine is faster than yours", but at the end of the day the speed limit in this country is 110, and I can't see it going up any day soon.

I love my busa for one reason .. it's a BUSA .. and if Kawasaki can maybe hurry Suzuki along into bringing out a better handling / braking busa then that's gotta be a good thing.

Just my two bobs worth ..

Dale ..
There is more to the ZX14 than outright speed.

It is a better handling and stopping bike than the Busa.

I love my Busa, but I have no particular loyalty to Suzuki nor the Busa name/reputation....
Thousands of vehicles pass me on each day when I am on my Busa over a period of (say) 2 years and vice versa. If some of those happen to be ZX14's that's fine, but it does not spur me into having to trade my bike in for the fastest and newest ZX14 (or the S1000r or Panegale etc...). Likewise, my wife of 30 years is no Halle Berry or J Lo but to me, she is MY WORLD. There is a time in life I think, when contentment is a blessing. I cannot imagine owning another bike after the Busa and God knows, I've spent enough time thinking about the possibility, due to the advancement of AGE! Have a nice day...
(09-03-2012, 11:49am)Rev004 Wrote: When the Busa was released back in 99 it turned the Hypersports Market on it's end and set a bench mark so good that it's taken this long to finally have someone good enough to take it on but the New ZX14 has only done enough to JUST knock the Busa off with some extra goodies. For me that's not enough to even look at a new bike yes the ZX has a few more electronics and appears to handle better but it should it's a new model and I would also have to agree with some others on here that it's a Kawasaki and for some reason I've never been a fan of the Kwaka mind you I do have a soft spot for the Z1's in there hey day.

Even when the Gen II came out it was only a refinement when it's all said and done of a truly remarkable bike which managed to keep Kawasaki at bay for another 4yrs so one would have to say that's a pretty impressive stint at the top of the Podium for this Class of Bike in any given term. As I have mentioned in other threads regarding the ZX14 I honestly Believe that Suzuki have an Ace up it's sleeve, you only have to look at the potential of the Busa and one would like to think that Suzuki will already have the research and the goodies to put the Busa back on top it's just a case of when. I believe that Suzuki have been waiting to really see if someone is going to step up to the plate and set the world on fire with their bike but to date no one has done this not even the new ZX14 yes it's certainly generated a lot of conversation but I don't think you will see heaps of people getting rid of there Busas just to get a ZX14. I believe this is mainly because when people ask what you ride and you come back and say a Busa you don't get a lot back normally Oh, people know the reputation that the Busa has and even though the ZX has knocked the Busa off the ZX14 won't be as special as the Busa..

Well said mate Pi_thumbsup

I think having held the King title for so long it has earned it "Status" forever in motorcycling history .

I actually haven't seen a neutral comparison/Competition yet between the two current bikes except the one Kawasaki made Lol3
So to me it hasn't earned any Title as of yet Coolsmiley

No doubt it wont be much in it Read

So I suppose one big factor that still makes a difference is rider ability .
You can have the best bike in the world but if you have more mouth than talent , skill or experience it ain't going to help too much Biker

[Image: HayabusaSmall.jpg]
Had my ride on one today, Very nice bike, definitely improved in several areas over the busa...But i still like my busa and am not in any danger of trading in yet
What is the point comparing a lemon to a peach because it is what you are doing here when talking ZX14 vs Busa Nerd

They are completely different types of bike, aimed at different market segment. Could you look at that Kawasaki's offering and call it really a sports bike? It is a cruiser for those who do not like Harley's or a penis extention to those who are too old and crooked to ride a real sportsbike.

So please stop it. Look at these lovely, aerodynamic curves of Busa while you still have it, and take it for a ride Biker
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"

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