^^^^ +1 for Daves post.
(09-02-2012, 09:22pm)duc13 Wrote: Can't make the movie Mark but will definitely make the jap bike show :-) .
Soooo must nearly be time for the infamous Bridgetown run . Some time early March maybe?
Any interest? From memory around 800k's for the day Very Happy .
I'm getting itchy feet for a good hard Busa run!

Yes a big + 1, Cant do next weekend though


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it

Does 11th of March suit anybody ? I'm busy most weekends this month.
Whatever date suits most , suits me .
Hi Fellers how's everything going all good I hope...

You wouldn't guess it that weekend of the 7th I'm on Holidays Yes but Wtf I'm stuck at home with the kids the cook is on a Girls Weekend in Bali can't bloody believe it great timing...

I maybe able to do the Jap Bike Show as well will confirm in the next couple of weeks as it's kids Birthdays etc so will try and wrangle something..who else from Sth might be interested in riding up for the Bike Show on Sunday 25th of March if I can get a leave pass...Lol3

Andcad how did you get on with the Brake Lines ??? did you get my Photos ??
(12-02-2012, 04:41pm)Rev004 Wrote: Andcad how did you get on with the Brake Lines ??? did you get my Photos ??

All done, thanks Rev Pi_thumbsup


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it

(06-02-2012, 01:09am)Roo Boy Wrote: So will I see you there then Belzy yeah.

No unfortunately. I'll be working away in the Pilbara heat. Jeez, the things I do for money!
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
Hey Ian if you lend me your bike I can go as your representative.....no need to thank me I don't mind doing a mate a good turn.

Ps when you drop it off at my place can you make sure its got a full tank....lol
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
Sod off and buy yer own. Just be sure to get a Gen II this time, knobbies are optional!

(20-02-2012, 12:18pm)Aussie Steve Wrote: Hey Ian if you lend me your bike I can go as your representative.....no need to thank me I don't mind doing a mate a good turn.

Ps when you drop it off at my place can you make sure its got a full tank....lol

Government certified carpet muncherDrool
Well it's getting closer to the 11th. Any interest in the Bridgetown run or is everyone too busy doing the knitting that day Pi_tongue
(01-03-2012, 08:38pm)duc13 Wrote: Well it's getting closer to the 11th. Any interest in the Bridgetown run or is everyone too busy doing the knitting that day Pi_tongue

I am in, looking forward to it Clap


Live life like it's the 2 minute warning
My Way is the Highway
When life throws you a curve..lean into it

Have a safe trip fella's.
I want to Dave but I'm still trying to sort some time off? Will try.
Where we meeting up?
(01-03-2012, 08:38pm)duc13 Wrote: Well it's getting closer to the 11th. Any interest in the Bridgetown run or is everyone too busy doing the knitting that day Pi_tongue

Sorry Fellers I'm out letting the cook loose in Bali that week so having a boys week with my 2 boys just wish they were slightly older then one of them could have driven Lol3

Oh Well next time and stay safe fellers and enjoy the ride Oh and don't forget where we ran into the Police coming home from the last run he / she maybe not so forgiving....
(02-03-2012, 08:35pm)Roo Boy Wrote: I want to Dave but I'm still trying to sort some time off? Will try.
Where we meeting up?

Meet point is the caltex Baldivis on Safety bay Road. Time is open for discussion but thinking we should leave no later than 7 30 , we got back a little too late last time.
Are you working Sundays now Mark?
Mate Andrew (black / grey) is a starter and we may have another new Busa owner as well.
Andy you cool with an early start??
And where are you Tony Coolsmiley.

Cheer's , Dave.
Workin the Missus Dave, Workin the Missus.

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