gen 1 seats
hey guys, wondering what everyone is doing in the way of comfy seats for the gen1, iv just done a 900 odd k trip, and the only complaint about it is the seat was killing my ass in half an hour of ride time, looking for suggestions on making it a bit more comfy :P

cheers, ash
A good quality sheep-skin seat cover is a very cheap way of making those longer rides less painful, Ash!

Me personally....I like to keep things simple.....but I'm sure many other members here will praise the virtues of more fanciful stuff (ie: gel inserts; airhawk; etc)

Check with big kev at VCM.....he can make you up anything that you need......and he has MANY happy customers here at the AHC!! Yes

I'm gonna be taking the missus for her 1st two-up long distance ride [3,000km+ round trip] to P/Island for the WSB's in late Feb.....and you just reminded me to dig mine out and fit it up...thanks!! Coolsmiley
thanks for the plug bazman yes the goodwool store does awesome sheepskins and are well worth the $

On the '00, tried the Suzuki Gel, that didn't work out too well.

Put 20K on a Tobin (now New Image), if you like custom they look awesome and work well as a touring seat. Eventually put a Second Look seat skin back on the stock and that worked great for another 50K.

Just got a used Corbin on Friday for the '08. Stock seat was good for 4-500 mile days max. Had Corbins on the two previous bikes. Don't like the color, so looking at some LuiMoto seat skins to recover the Corbin.

Dont know if anyone here has tried these but they do look comfy..

Cant see one there for the Busa but i reckon they have made them.
I found the factory Gel seat pretty tough to start with but after riding it in and then putting a sheep skin on it, I now find the gel seat wonderful and more comfortable than stock. Then I have Kevtherev put me a custom seat together, with stock height and a little step-up at the rear. Wonderful comfort. Talk to Kev.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I got a Corbin on mine and its great, the wrists and shoulders give out before my arse
Another one you might look into without the big cost is the AirHawks. These are really popular with some of our tour participants- everyone I've ridden with swears by those things. Merely an inflatable cushion, my concern of the busa is I don't want to be 'raised up' but my curiosity may get the best of me to just try it out.
Just ordered a pair of Airhawks (one for me, and one for the speed-limiter that sits on the back!)...will let you know...apparantly the trick is getting the smallest amount of air possible between ya "ass" and the seat.
I finished my seat a couple weeks ago. Bought this:

Removed the gel and foam from it, cut some of the foam out of the existing seat so the gel sits flush in it, recovered it and couldn't be happier. I used to get a numb arse after an hour, now I can ride it all day, only complaint is sore wrists.

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