Taking care of your business at home is what im talking about instead of bad mouthing me across another state like hissy little house wives gas bagging over the phone.not everything is malicious ray!!!nice try habib!!
!300hayabusa is taking a quick break due to breaking the standards and rules and threatening members of the club or their families. We are leaving the posts in this thread for the moment, but if this thread goes off course again, it is being pulled.
This thread is a prime example of why off topic posts on contentious subjects should not be allowed in this forum.

If we can't discuss issues in a calm and reasoned manner, then there is no point discussing them at all.

(13-09-2011, 11:36am)Troppo Wrote: If we can't discuss issues in a calm and reasoned manner, then there is no point discussing them at all.


[Image: welcometointernet.jpg]

(13-09-2011, 11:36am)Troppo Wrote: This thread is a prime example of why off topic posts on contentious subjects should not be allowed in this forum.

If we can't discuss issues in a calm and reasoned manner, then there is no point discussing them at all.

mate i disagree u can have a heated discussion on over size swingarms
Its not the topic its what u say, we are all responsible for what comes out of our mouth's If u cant controll youreslf wanting a personal attack then dont say anything at all, there must be a lot of members who would like to say more than they do , BUT they have controll of there rudder.
Dont forget its called not bike related if u dont want talk other than bikes, then they should avoid Not Bike related. simple.
No offence Ruben, but it is reactions like yours that make all us non Muslims wonder.
You guys are always quick to react to the more racist coments, but NEVER do we hear from moderates baging the extremists.
I have never heard any Muslim say a negative word towards El Hilaly and his extreme views, or any of the crazy bastards that preach at the Lakemba youth centre. Maybe when the moderates stand up and take their religion back from the crazy bastads that want the world to live in the 1600's that is when they will be welcomed into the larger community.
Is Ruben Muslim? My family on my dads side is all Muslim yet we were all sitting infront of the tv shocked and apauled at the site of the twin towers going down and publicly said so. Of all the Muslims I know they all are publicly opposed to the extremists. I think everyone needs to take a chill pill and settle down. It wasn't all that long ago that christians where rampaging through the world killing in the name of god. Hell Christians in the US are still killing people in the name of god eg homosexuals, black people etc. I think we all need to remember there are crazy people in every religion of every race and in every country.

Yeah Dan you are right. You and your family are fighting against two things here though, one is the general media who goes for the lowest common denominator. It targets people who watch the 6pm news, then A Current Affair and think they are across what is happening both locally and internationally. By sucking in these people with their stories of people being ripped off by dodgy businessmen, weight loss drugs that work without any effort on their behalf and meat that has been in the fridge at Coles for a year, they reassure these people that everyone thinks JUST LIKE THEY DO. They feel safe, reassured and cossetted. The next logical step is pointing out that THOSE people are trying to take it off US. No-one can ever really identify who US is, it is just reassuring to feel that you are one of US, that way it is easier to work out who is THEM. In the 50s it was the Jews, in the 60s it was the wogs, in the 70s it was the Asians. The beauty of this simplistic view is that it is simple. It takes no rational thought, you don't have to investigate or ask hard questions, you don't really need any proof, just be assured you are one of us. While this bullshit is on television, it is a great time to sell fast food and cleaning products. The media rakes in large amounts of advertising dollars, people tune in, the cycle continues. Even the journalists are embarrassed.

The other issue is moderate Islam, while they stay silent, people take their silence for agreement. The head of the Australian Islamic Association (don't know if he is still there, haven't seen him in a while), would get on tellie every freaking time one of the insane Imans said something stupid about women or the Quran (most of which is a skewed interpretation, all religions have them), he would get up there nearly in tears trying to tell Australia that most Muslims don't support that idiocy, but he was not NEWS. Which news would you prefer to see on Today Tonight or ACA, a mad Iman telling women they are like uncovered meat, or a highly educated, articulate man trying desperately to save his religion and defend his people.

And there is a third issue. People like me who get tired of ignorant rednecks who keep cut and pasting this bullshit. It has no intellectual rigour, it is based in hysteria. There is no sense trying to have a rational discussion with people who 'know'. Oh they know, they have found it on a conspiracy website so it MUST be true. Tracy Grimshaw told them the boat people are coming in overwhelming numbers, so THAT must be true. People like me know there is no sense banging your head against the wall, all you do is get a sore head, so we don't bother any more.

We should. Thank you for reminding me Dan.
(13-09-2011, 10:55pm)Heidi1 Wrote: And there is a third issue. People like me who get tired of ignorant rednecks who keep cut and pasting this bullshit. It has no intellectual rigour, it is based in hysteria.

That is the major difference between this site and BikeMe....

Cutting and pasting rubbish is not tolerated.

(14-09-2011, 08:05am)Troppo Wrote:
(13-09-2011, 10:55pm)Heidi1 Wrote: And there is a third issue. People like me who get tired of ignorant rednecks who keep cut and pasting this bullshit. It has no intellectual rigour, it is based in hysteria.

That is the major difference between this site and BikeMe....

Cutting and pasting rubbish is not tolerated.

Or tube8 for that matter Lol2

BikeMe sounds too cheeky for a name lol

Ahh, no, Tube8 is right out....

We need more watermelons on this forum , they are being out numbered by the rednecks Lol2
(14-09-2011, 10:27pm)kawasuki Wrote: We need more watermelons on this forum , they are being out numbered by the rednecks Lol2

With a thread like this one it fast turns into a Mass-Debate.
The beauty of a free country like Ozzie is you can say this shit and still be safe, try saying anything like this thread's contents in many overseas countries and be murdered, have a fatawa taken out against you or quietly dissappear, or dragged kicking and screaming to be stoned to death for whatever.

God bless Australia, the land of the free.Australia2

Isn't freedom of political speech the only actual Australian liberty?
Correct me if I'm wrong but any other liberties are just adopted from international law...
(16-09-2011, 08:35am)sutur Wrote: Isn't freedom of political speech the only actual Australian liberty?
Correct me if I'm wrong but any other liberties are just adopted from international law...

This IS political.

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