goodbye UK whos next
(10-08-2011, 10:38pm)Madmax Wrote:
(10-08-2011, 07:27pm)Troppo Wrote: Rubbish.

Emotive, sensationalist rubbish.

Yet another example of why this board should be restricted to discussions about the Busa only.

That's why this thread is Unrelated to bikes. Open your eyes and see the explosion of the Caliphate! France never thought it could happen to them, a friend who is a copper in France is worried about his family and their safety in Paris.
Could it happen in Australia? Ask the French!

I don't think this is emotive bullshit, only the naysayers who said it could never happen in Europe and the same idiots who say the same thing couldn't happen in our country.
Watch the boats landing - every couple of weeks another boat full of Afghanis, Iraqis, Sri Lankans and others broach our shores, 95% of these que jumpers is allowed to stay.

I ask again, could it happen in Australia?

What religion did you put down in the Census last night? Our apathy has let us down again and again, I bet the 500,000 muslims in Australia all put down Islam!

This topic is emotive, it's nay sayers who keep trying to quieten the discussion turning their pepetual blind eyes to an imminent problem.

Open your eyes and see it happening and wake up now before your kids or possibly your grandkids have to learn lines of the Quran and suffer Sharia law or suffer the consequences.

Lovely weather we're having aye!

Max - off the soapbox.

And members dont worry about 1300 pussybusa
he must have mixed the wrong pills again.Idiot2

OK - what shall we do about this problem, then?


Use our heads and not our hearts, consider what the Arab states do to would be immigrants. Why do you think they all want to come here and places like France? Because if we let them in, eventually we give them citizenship. The Arab states sat "Yes you can come here, yes you can work and live here, No you cannot have permanent status/ citizenship.
I'm sure that limiting people because of their religious beliefs is not in our acceptable behaviour.
I remember the furore when Mediterraneans were setting up take away stores, opening delicatesans and living in areas almost exclusively lower socio economic levels with words like "They'll never assimilate into our populations. The same was said of the Vietnamese boat people in the '70s and '80s. Yet they have all asssimilated, shit I married a first generation Aussie Greek girl and adore her family.
The way the Muslims have almost overrun France is simple inch by inch, mile by mile, a hundred here and a thousand there, until they have enclaves the coppers only go into in large tactical groups. Remember the riots in Paris outskirts a few years ago - all Muslim youths who band together, fight together in large groups, thieve relentlessly and are destroying the fabric of the laid back French society.
How do we stop this happening? Stop the politicians being so f*&^ing far left and accepting averyone and anyone who wants to live here from poor muslim countries, where they've f****d that society up so badly they want to start on our's and we'll let them because our laws are so weak.
What next? Keep our eyes open and our hearts a little hard, don't weakly accept things like that idiot Gillard, trading 800 would be Australian que jumpers, for 4,000 more and callin it a win for Australia.
Make the politicians accountable for the idiot decisions they make for the sake of politicing against each other and not in favour of us, their constituents, who pay their inflated wages and keep them in their jobs.

We have to use our heads not our hearts. Stop the rot before they over run us like they have elsewhere. Look at that Twit Conlon(Siddiqe) who is a home grown muslim convetr who wants to go to war with decent Christian Australians from within and force sharia law on all of us. Start with him and his like.


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(11-08-2011, 08:53pm)Madmax Wrote:
(11-08-2011, 06:57pm)Troppo Wrote:

OK - what shall we do about this problem, then?

Use our heads and not our hearts, consider what the Arab states do to would be immigrants. Why do you think they all want to come here and places like France? Because if we let them in, eventually we give them citizenship. The Arab states sat "Yes you can come here, yes you can work and live here, No you cannot have permanent status/ citizenship.
I'm sure that limiting people because of their religious beliefs is not in our acceptable behaviour.
I remember the furore when Mediterraneans were setting up take away stores, opening delicatesans and living in areas almost exclusively lower socio economic levels with words like "They'll never assimilate into our populations. The same was said of the Vietnamese boat people in the '70s and '80s. Yet they have all asssimilated, shit I married a first generation Aussie Greek girl and adore her family.
The way the Muslims have almost overrun France is simple inch by inch, mile by mile, a hundred here and a thousand there, until they have enclaves the coppers only go into in large tactical groups. Remember the riots in Paris outskirts a few years ago - all Muslim youths who band together, fight together in large groups, thieve relentlessly and are destroying the fabric of the laid back French society.
How do we stop this happening? Stop the politicians being so f*&^ing far left and accepting averyone and anyone who wants to live here from poor muslim countries, where they've f****d that society up so badly they want to start on our's and we'll let them because our laws are so weak.
What next? Keep our eyes open and our hearts a little hard, don't weakly accept things like that idiot Gillard, trading 800 would be Australian que jumpers, for 4,000 more and callin it a win for Australia.
Make the politicians accountable for the idiot decisions they make for the sake of politicing against each other and not in favour of us, their constituents, who pay their inflated wages and keep them in their jobs.

We have to use our heads not our hearts. Stop the rot before they over run us like they have elsewhere. Look at that Twit Conlon(Siddiqe) who is a home grown muslim convetr who wants to go to war with decent Christian Australians from within and force sharia law on all of us. Start with him and his like.



Max you stated why these people want to go to france,come here etc but you seem to have forgotten who,why and what gave them the right to be in those countries in the first place.I can...WE ALL DID because us civilised westerners sent our troops in with all sorts of bogus intel to "protect them"......bullshit and we all know it,If as you say they are imposing their way of life on to us than we should stop doing it to them,start with getting all of our/anyones troops out of all the middle east,stop backing up "causes" we have no reason to be in.We may want to create an identity for this country instead of being someone else's shadow.....than we might be able to dictate what comes in or not through our borders.If the luxury of pumping fuel into your precious busa is an imperative demand and we want to keep on invading other countries with the excuse of saving their asses than you will all have to live with it and eat humble pie as they are more in numbers,money and not scared to die....something people here have no concept of and hopefully they never have to deal with!!I have a Muslim friends who where born here in Aus and they love this empty rock as much as the next but for them to be painted with the same brush is just wrong,a morally bankrupt attitude.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
No Mate, I think this is the Aussie way.

Dont mean to disrespect anyone as a person, but this is shit.

So what do we do next?
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(12-08-2011, 03:36pm)Madmax Wrote: So what do we do next?

exactly what we are doing now ,talking about it ,get peoples toughts out there and get there head out of sand. And when u see the muslims get one sided treatment send emails to your members of Gov. These people SHOULD be under OUR LAW and if there religion dosent allow it then fark it off.
Well said Rainbow.

I am not generally racist but I think it about time the vast majority of law abiding rational muslums denounced and alienated the extremist minority. Modern day religion, any religion that respects others is fine. Intolerance is the problem.

Pressure from within their own religion is the only way to stop terrorism.
So according to some felchers and their entourage in this forum religion has turned into a race and we shall paint all muslims with one paint brush......10 points to the bigots!!!!
Stuff like this just reminds how lucky I am to have been educated and brought up with an open mind elsewhere,in a REAL fair go country!!!

(13-08-2011, 06:56am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Stuff like this just reminds how lucky I am to have been educated and brought up with an open mind elsewhere,in a REAL fair go country!!!

Where's that?
Narnia for me, although my primary education was done in Lilliputt.
Carpe Diem!
Off with the pixies Throwdown??? lol
You'll have to email me some of whatever you're taking mate.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(13-08-2011, 05:43pm)Madmax Wrote: Off with the pixies Throwdown??? lol
You'll have to email me some of whatever you're taking mate.

careful Max,one of your work colleagues might swab test ya!!!!Coolsmiley

(13-08-2011, 08:52am)sutur Wrote:
(13-08-2011, 06:56am)1300hayabusa Wrote: Stuff like this just reminds how lucky I am to have been educated and brought up with an open mind elsewhere,in a REAL fair go country!!!

Where's that?


(14-08-2011, 04:15am)1300hayabusa Wrote: You'll have to email me some of whatever you're taking mate.

careful Max,one of your work colleagues might swab test ya!!!!Coolsmiley


We get "swabbed" pretty regularly anyway blokePi_freakPi_freakPi_freak


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