Has anyone changed the oil if so how, that seems to the only thing I have not had a go at on a Busa.
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
yea but got the suspension bloke to do it when he re-sprung the forks. If you havent done that I strongly reccomend you do, suspension is way overlooked in favour of bling. you got a top tech in sydney for it to. guy who does race tech installs. <i></i>
Simmo , Frank ponds Bike-tech. Cheers,
Frank rebuilt my Showa shockie on the Triumph and did a great job at a reasonable price.
His workshop is down Campbelltown way.
If it is just the front fork oil that you want to replace, I am sure the manual on CD will tell you how to do it and what to use.
I'm not using it anyway!<i>Edited by: BUSGO at: 28/1/07 9:20
Anyone have a Number or address for bike tech? (yes I did a net search)
I had a look at fixing my leaking seals myself but I would need to buy some special tools that I will most likely never use again, besides I may get some extra work done after we have a talk.
Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!<i></i>
Here ya go, I found it on Whitepages.com.au
Biketek Pty Ltd
U 3/ 181 Airds Rd Leumeah 2560
(02) 4620 9020
I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
I pulled my forks and had them done by frank.1 kg springs ,reshim the valving to suit and good oil $400.Huge difference in ride quality and feel.1.1kg springs would be better for a standard weight bike. <i></i>
This is who I was thinking about:
TERRY HAY'S SHOCK TREATMENT - Suspension Specialists
Greendale Rd, Wallacia 2745
Phone: 02 4773 9115
Call Terry or Jan for 10% discount on your suspension work.
Contact: TERRY HAY
SHOCK TREATMENT is a Race Tech Center and also a Distributor.
I dont know Terry or Frank to make a judgment. <i></i>
they are both pretty good.You will hear good and bad about both.Terry does the gold valves,frank does the showa and ohlins valving.Either will transform the front end. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>