Bike won't start without bump / push start ????
Hi all I was driving out to uni yesterday and stopped at a set of lights in Canberra where they are currently building a new road. Anyway, there is a set of makeshift lights there that just happen to be right on a hill, with an uneven driving surface and also a tilt to the road. Anyway, I dropped the bike there. Snapped the clutch lever, only this time the WHOLE lever snapped off, which meant I couldn't drive the bike at all until I went to the shop, bought another lever, then went back and fitted it (3 hours later!)

Anyway, herein lies the problem. I tried starting the bike in the normal fashion (ignition, clutch in, press the starter), but the bike WOULD NOT START. it also wouldn't go into gear at this stage to try and start it in first. However, I was able to bump / push start it, at which point the bike drove absolutely fine - the clutch worked fine and was able to drive the bike home. Then got home, tried starting it normally again, and it still wouldn't start without a clutch / bump start.

So my question is - what's going on? Has anyone had this problem before, and how do I go about fixing it?

I'm heading for QLD in two and a bit days, and would prefer to have a bike that doesn't need to be bump started every time I stop for fuel, so any help with regards to the matter is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys.

Paul (tenacious). <i></i>

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