W.A World Domination II South West Busa Run Nov 18th - Nov 21st 2011
Hey all

I'm booking our accomodation and track days at Phillip Island, so will do the final route and timings tonight. When I say FINAL, this plan is subject to change after a few drinks or when Simmo gets involved.

Rev, you were going to suggest a route that takes us to our meeting place at the resort? Have you had any more thought about that? Quickest way, no dirt. On the way home we are getting dirty, on the way there I just want to get there. On the way home, I'm going to see the bunyip at Murray Bridge!!! Last trip Simmo and Bruce took me to see the Blue Lake at Mt Gambier, this time it is the bunyip and wave rock. I love a point of interest.
I'm Thinking that Norseman - Esperance - Albany - Pemberton & then Karri Valley is the best route but I will have a another look to be sure..

Cheers Rev004

(17-05-2011, 05:49pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Hey all

I'm booking our accomodation and track days at Phillip Island, so will do the final route and timings tonight. When I say FINAL, this plan is subject to change after a few drinks or when Simmo gets involved.

Rev, you were going to suggest a route that takes us to our meeting place at the resort? Have you had any more thought about that? Quickest way, no dirt. On the way home we are getting dirty, on the way there I just want to get there. On the way home, I'm going to see the bunyip at Murray Bridge!!! Last trip Simmo and Bruce took me to see the Blue Lake at Mt Gambier, this time it is the bunyip and wave rock. I love a point of interest.

Sounds great. I'm looking at the kms, the route, but most importantly if we can sleep one night!! It will be MUCH easier with a night's sleep. Simmo gets goofy otherwise.
What's the dates again Kev?
Hey Kev, do you want me to modify the thread to put the dates in the title?
OK OK all Done you all stop asking Now.....

(17-05-2011, 05:49pm)Heidi1 Wrote: his time it is the bunyip and wave rock. I love a point of interest.
If you're talking about Wave Rock over here, then I wouldn't get too excited. Norseman to Pemberton via Albany is 834kms. You could detour via Hyden (Wave Rock), but at 992kms vs 834kms I suggest that its not worth the fuel. Use the time looking around Esperance coast and the white sand beaches.

Government certified carpet muncherDrool
We want to do a bit of dirt this time to make it more interesting and get a bit off the beaten track. Keep in mind our route is subject to change at a moment's notice depending on how we feel and what the road surface is like. There is also a chance we might turn right at Perth and head home the long way.

We're not huge planners!
(22-05-2011, 08:38pm)Heidi1 Wrote: We want to do a bit of dirt this time to make it more interesting and get a bit off the beaten track. Keep in mind our route is subject to change at a moment's notice depending on how we feel and what the road surface is like. There is also a chance we might turn right at Perth and head home the long way.

We're not huge planners!

You know what happened last time you zigged when you should have zagged girl!

(22-05-2011, 08:38pm)Heidi1 Wrote: We want to do a bit of dirt this time to make it more interesting and get a bit off the beaten track. Keep in mind our route is subject to change at a moment's notice depending on how we feel and what the road surface is like. There is also a chance we might turn right at Perth and head home the long way.

We're not huge planners!

Errr, is this WA dirt on Busas we are talking about? Currently the Norseman to Hyden road is shut due flooding.
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
Yep Bob, that's the one. Chances are the flood may have receded by then.

Yeah Max, I don't mind getting out there. Busting to stretch the busa's legs again.
(22-05-2011, 09:35pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Yep Bob, that's the one. Chances are the flood may have receded by then.

Look forward to hearing the ride report Violin
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
I'm sure you will. Previous ride reports of ours are floating around here somewhere if you doubt the ability of the busa.
(22-05-2011, 11:04pm)Heidi1 Wrote: I'm sure you will. Previous ride reports of ours are floating around here somewhere if you doubt the ability of the busa.

No slight intended, merely concerned that you are forearmed.
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
We're a bit stupid, but not silly. That's why we travel with three. We think about what we are going to take to do repairs on the road and if something happens one goes for help, two stay behind. We've done this before and we are pretty resourceful. Bruce is the ideas man, Simmo keeps us happy and I don't give up. Between the three of us we do ok.

Thanks for the heads up.

P.S. I don't think we need to carry the soldering iron this time though, that didn't get much of a workout last time.

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