I have been trying to get my hands on a 99 fuel pump for the last month or so but have had no luck Suzuki Australia wanted $850 plus postage
Suzuki USA wanted $600 plus postage I have looked and contacted almost every wrecker in Australia with no luck Ebay loads of in tank ones but 99-2000 are as rare as hens teeth.
Then I was talking to my father in-law and he said just try soaking in some RP7 it may loosen it up so down to supercheap I went bought to cans of RP7 emptied both cans into a container its been soaking for 3 weeks now and today I tried to get it to go but alas no go.
I was just about to give up and go the Bosh or Walbro inline pump way when I read on an article on the net and his solution was to soak in RP7 or WD40 for a while then give the pump some firm taps with the wooden handle of a hammer or something similar and then turn the impellar with a nail or something similar I had tried this before but had no luck.
But this time I dropped the pump on the garage floor
after a few more expletives and the wife coming down to the garage to see what I was carrying on about I hooked the pump back up to the battery and away she went the pump not the wife.
So tomorrow I will put it all back together and keep my finger crossed all goes well.
Let you know what happens.

Then I was talking to my father in-law and he said just try soaking in some RP7 it may loosen it up so down to supercheap I went bought to cans of RP7 emptied both cans into a container its been soaking for 3 weeks now and today I tried to get it to go but alas no go.
I was just about to give up and go the Bosh or Walbro inline pump way when I read on an article on the net and his solution was to soak in RP7 or WD40 for a while then give the pump some firm taps with the wooden handle of a hammer or something similar and then turn the impellar with a nail or something similar I had tried this before but had no luck.
But this time I dropped the pump on the garage floor

So tomorrow I will put it all back together and keep my finger crossed all goes well.
Let you know what happens.