I have just received my fender eliminator from Canada. It is the rumble concept brand.
Only problem is, there is a small LED light that has to be connected (meaning a small amount of wiring)
Is there any kind hearted soul on this site, who can take pity on this mechanically inept person who could help me out and fit this eliminator on my bike in exchange for some beers/bourban etc?
I would be eternally grateful
Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Brigitte<i>Edited by: Pink Angel at: 11/10/06 10:50 am
I'd love to help you out Pinky, but it's a bit far from the Gold Coast. I know some of our generous Vic members will be glad to assist.
BTW, what is the LED for?
Terry <i></i>
There is this tiny (and I mean tiny) LED which you can mount that sits just above the plate on the bracket. Although I know that the plate is now going to be sitting right underneath the rear lights. I suppose, it just adds with more light for identifying the number plate Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
What undertail you got? I've got a top gun with LED tail, indicators and plate lights. Do the lot Pinky, you'll be the brightest thing on the road. <i></i>
What ??? I am not that now Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Come on guys,
it's been nearly a hole day and no-one has offered to back in under Pinkie's undertail ! You can always blame mechanical ineptitude on the free alcohol.
What sort of a club is this ? A damsel in disdress and no-one is lining up to tighten the nuts !
I thought I would have been skittled in the throng of mechanics creepers heading out onto the roads !
If it's not on by Sunday things could get real ugly. Mad Max 2 may be only the beginning. <i></i>
Oh, Sumkhun, a knight in shinning armour coming to my rescue
well. at least rousing the sleeping king's men Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Competition Werks Undertail. And about 12 months worth of rubber!
Good luck with your project........... <i>Edited by: GDYUP at: 12/10/06 4:02 pm
Ok, call me impatient, but I am standing there looking at my new fender eliminator, looking at the bike and say "How hard can this be?" So out I lug the tool box and start. Now let me tell you right from the start, this girl has never even tiddled with anything to do with cars/bikes etc. But hey, I'll give it a go.
So out comes the round ratchet type things, find the right size and hey, they come undone (with a few grunts!!) Now the fender is hanging down and the only thing holding it to the bike is some wires to the tail light. Take out the tiniest star screwdriver and off comes the tail light. Now the whole thing is hanging there by the wires encased in plastic. Ok, so I got stumped there. Out comes the plyers and I cut the wire. (Guys you can start screaming now!!) Off comes the whole lot. Woo hoo. Fender is off.
Get the new you beaut fender eliminator with the GSXR logo lazer cut into the frame and I admire it like a piece of art.
Place the bracket into place, tuck the unwanted wire under the bracket, pick up the screws, take out the trusted allan key and presto, eliminator in place. Now for the licence plate. Place it against the holes and dammit it, they do not align. So I put one of the screws on and the plate is on, albeit temporarily,
Now to find a power drill to screw a new hole so the plate can be fixed firmly. Well it's an excuse to get one now.
Now my question to the experts out there. Have I done a bad thing by cutting the wire, leaving it exposed and tucked under the new eliminator? Will it short any of my electricals?
A couple of pics of my project. Ok, so its no big deal to some of you, but for a girl who knows nothing about these type of things, I am chuffed with myself.
The leftover bits
The new bracket in place
My new rear end Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
Not sure about that wire. Do all the lights and blinkers still work?
Maybe just use tape to tie off the ends of the wire (if there's more than one then keep them apart) until someone more technically minded helps out with advice.
I can't believe I'm giving any advice. I'm less technically inclined than you by the sound of it. I would've just looked at teh fender eliminator for a few months then organised a "spannering day" and let Simmo or 1hotBusa do all the hard stuff!
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Spannering day??? we don't have that luxury down here in Vic. If you saw what I've done to my bike you'd understand what I mean...
There's a frame, some wheels and this big mound of parts in my lounge room that I get up look at every morning and shudder.. I think I might be in a bit over my head but thats half the fun innit???
There are two wires which are sitting side by side together encased in a thicker plastic covering. Looks like I will have to split the wires and tape them up seperately with electrical tape til I can get a auto elec to look at them. Correct me if I am wrong here anyone.
Too scared to test the lights at the moment. Have not even started the engine til I am sure I have not buggered it up
Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
umm, if those wires were holding the tail light on they probably were connected to it right? Just give it a go and see if the lights all work properly and keep those wires seperate while you do it.
go on, it's fun to try new things.....
especially where large amounts of electricity are involved <i></i>
I just knew it was going to get ugly before Sunday <i></i>
Oh no Sumkhun Have I done something to offend you?
Just love this guy on the left, wish I could move my hand that quickly : Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.