School yard bully - plays with fire and gets burnt
anyone that has been bullied in school will relate to this.

Some may think otherwise, but this kid Casey is my hero. Wish I had the character and courage he has, back when i was in school Confused
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
I love seeing a bully get his just desserts. Casey was me when I was at school. It took a few bullys to show me that I could actually fight when I needed to ..
Yeah, Casey has been watching WWE, doubt about that!

When I watched it for the first time....i was sure this show-boating douche-bag was gonna land on his HEAD! (definately deserved it, but that outcome would not be very good for Casey)

That is a classic case of using a height and weight advantage to ur own maximum benefit!

The sad thing about this situation is that it is an EVERYDAY occurrence for TOO many kids just like Casey!

I sincerely hope that this scummy, pathetic little prick (...and every other pathetic a/hole bully) learnt a very valuable lesson outta that: EVERYone has a breaking point!

I hope the fractures in this little wankers left leg hurt for a VERY long time!?!


Footnote: this vid reminds me that I should prolly sit my two nephews (5 & 6 yr olds) down for a good, long talk about bullying!!!
good one Casey But he was the pore bugger that got suspended from school Undecided
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
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If that's the same clip I saw on the news then that's a takedown Kimbo Slice would be proud of Clap
I dont think the Fvhhcydcfer knew what the Fn hit him serves Him right
(16-03-2011, 12:44pm)tenacious Wrote: If that's the same clip I saw on the news then that's a takedown Kimbo Slice would be proud of Clap

Poor ole Kev Ferguson (Kimbo) wishes he had takedowns half as good as that!!!!
i wish this Casey was my kid.. cause I'd be the most proudest dad in the world.
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
Like many, I was bullied at school for being too quiet and hence the easy target. Whenever an adult became aware, I was the only one given a talking to - be more out going etc... When I turned into Casey, the bullies disappeared but the adult advice never improved. I don't care what they say, most schools ignore bullying.

I heard Kenneally and O'Farrell (NSW Premier-to-be battlers) half debating this today, although they seemed to agree on almost everything to do with it - basically, blame the kid. O'Farrell made the point that if the lad had landed on his head things would have got much worse for the kid being bullied, which is not a good outcome. THE OTHER KID SHOULDN'T BE BULLYING HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE! If he gets laid on his head by a kid who is protecting himself after showing years of restraint, I'd have to ask where were the teachers when it was happening and what strategies were in place.

Casey apparently copped this rubbish for years. the video shows him talking a punch to the face with no effort to defend himself - THAT kid then walks off and presumably hasn't been suspended, despite that punch. The little kid who came in after seems typical of those squirts who join in with the bullying because if the real bullies stop picking on any given kid, he's next in the firing line.

Casey's father says that he brought his kid up not to hit anybody and the video shows him doing all the right things bullied kids are told to do. That's all well and good, if there's an adult around to back them up. In the video, Casey is apparently outside of THE PRINCIPAL'S WINDOW! Good strategy, but let down by the teachers. After he slams the kid, he immediately goes inside to give himself up. If he's due a punishment, it shouldn't be as bad as what the bullies get. The kid is sitting at home now with the school having given him a terrible message - you should never defend yourself and you're as bad as the bullies.

The school let Casey down for 4 odd years, then let him down by suspending him. For all the 'two wrongs don't make a right' bullshit, he got suspended for one reason only - it's easier for the school to turn a blind eye to bullying and when an incident does land in their lap, send all the kids home, out of sight out of mind. That's the school's position on bullying, because it suits the teachers to take the easier way out. A lot of bullies like being suspended from school, but their victims often suffer by falling behind.

I'm with Casey on this one. If you teach kids never to look out for themselves or (the worse one) 'if an adult tells you to do something, you do it', then someone will almost certainly abuse your kid in the future.

Remember the 16yo girl at McDonald's who was forced to strip and at one point give the manager a blowjob (documentary video on You Tube and elsewhere). She used that line, 'my parents taught me if an adult tells you to do something, you do it'. Also, 4-5 McDonald's workers get her to do things like nude jumping jacks etc... because someone on the phone claiming to be a Police Officer, instructed them to do so. How many of them were taught the same thing.

Go Casey! Thump a few teachers after you've got your HSC.
Carpe Diem!
I'm all for Casey handing the little houso prick his ass. Casey done well to stop at that. Top kid.
Poor little bugger. I heard on the news tonight that the little bully was suspended as well. Not defending anyone, but as a former teacher, it is so hard to stop bullying at school. If you stand up for the kid getting bullied, they get picked on worse because they are being singled out. If you protect them at school, the bullies wait for them at the gate.

I will never forget one little bloke who was just gorgeous. He was the youngest of seven, both parents were university lecturers and the rest of the family were high achievers. He was used to negotiating and discussing issues to settle disputes. That left him totally unprepared for high school where he just got belted over and over. I couldn't protect him in the playground because we simply couldn't be everywhere at once. The best I could do for him was let him sit in my office at lunch when he didn't feel safe. He used to get upset because adults would tell him these were the best days of his life. He'd say, 'if this is as good as it gets, then I might as well kill myself'. I told him what I've told so many kids since, just get through it. Survive, it gets better. School is brutal. Never tell your kid those are the best days of their lives, if you think that, you've forgotten what it was like or you were never bullied.

I still see him around Canberra, he is beautiful and has grown into a spectacular young man. Every time he sees me he tells me I was right and tells me about his life. I wish they would listen when we tell them it gets better, we lose too many of them to accidents, risky behavior and suicide. I'm not surprised the big kid snapped.
very interesting input from a former teachers view-point, Heidi! Clap

This vid has been pulled from f/book now......seems like someone has decided that it has got WAY too much exposure!?!

Not enough i just might open a few ignorant eyes to the plight that so many kids (....and lets be honest >>> even lots of adults) face on a daily basis in their school/work/social life!!!

maybe it's (finally) time for a revolution.....just who was it again that shall...."inherit the earth"?!? Nerd

The system will only change here in Aus when a major tragedy like the Columbine scenario occurs,than and only than something might change,all too late for the poor little fcuker whos been dragged around the oval like a greyhound racing rabbit for the last year and ultimately snapping and hunts down half of his class's mates!!!Prevention is better than cure but in reality not many kids get the attenion like Heidi gave to this kid,far and few between get that.Lets not forget the parents(not all) who breed these little arsenic bottles and what kind of responsibility they should carry as it seems that "parenting"is just a government funded option after you finish your schooling............debatable!!!!
I was bullied at school once. its not fun although my temper is much shorter than this kids and it didnt end well for the bullies i was about 17 at the time. things shouldnt have to resort to violence but sometimes people(eg bullies) just need to get there head kick in to know they need to keep it down. Teachers when i was at school wouldnt do anything about my mates getting constantly bullied(shirts ripped being punched etc) and when one finally retaliated and punched back he was in trouble not the bully. the one thing that makes it all better is as they say what goes around comes around. Me and said mate used to work security at a club and the said bully was drunk and misbehaving rather badly we were most helpful in removing him gently from the premises.

didnt see the original post...but found a funnier version

...can understand if Admins delete post
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