Will post graphs when the stupid scanner works.
After the airbox mod, had another run done, but at original dyno guy, so numbers are all over the place between different runs. The guy was quite impressed with mid rev range boost. Not what he has normally seen with 4 into 1s. (Ti Force).
Haven't ha d achance to try it out really, but it doesn't seem quite as crisp off the idle as it was after FF1s effort, but I know he leaned it out a bit, so maybe that's it.
Ping FF1? <i></i>
Ti Force, airbox, remapping.
This is comparison between a totally original and one with Ti Force 4 into 1 plus airbox, but not mapped for airbox. <i></i>
So is it any better to ride?dynos often cloud judgement.On your favourite road or track has there been an improvement in your riding experience.I know they make 10 to whatever hp improvement and are about 10kg lighter but that all means squat if you the rider don,t notice it.I personally found the 4 into 1 makes it a little softer under 3000 rpm but not enough to worry two up riders.Beyond that its as strong and then stronger than the stock set up.I,m asking as ive ridden mine very little.I,ve still got 2 and a half months to go before i resume road riding.If you want a bit more power and noise i,ve just discovered ti force do a street and a race can.Yours and mine will have a 60mm inlet and a 48mm outlet on the can for 98db limit.They also make a 60mm in and 60mm out can which supposedly gave the zx 14 about 6hp .This can apparently gets to 110db which is the same as the new gsxr750 adr approved.Nice flat torque curve by the way. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Quote:This can apparently gets to 110db which is the same as the new gsxr750 adr approved.
Are you sure that is correct Glen I find it hard to believe that the noise limit has been raised.
Would love to hear that it has but really would the gov do that? My HMF's would be almost legal Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
I can assure you that any pipe getting to 110db is NOT ADR compliant.
The upper limit is in the mid 90's and that is definite.
I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
Apart from the shitty weather, I just haven't had time to do more than a few laps of the local streets, so hard to really tell except I think it was a bit crisper off low revs before the last tune. Purely subjective.
I'm working up to a run at Quit this wednesday if I can get a leave pass, but the rain may stuff up that plan. Driest winter on record here but it always rains when the bike comes out!
The race cans must be bloody loud as the road ones are! Actually, I'd hazard a guess to say they aren't legal, but here in WA I think we'll get away with it. They seem not to be too aggressive on noise....speed, yes, noise no! <i></i>
Vic - the state where they're bloody aggresive on everything...
First time in years, we have a drop in the road toll. Of course, government are saying it must be because of their hard line on everything.... Obviously it can't be part of natural rises and falls in these statistics... <i></i>
Read your rapid magazine test on the gixxer 750.Don,t ask me how this was acheived but they have.My busa is heaps quieter than my vfr 800 with a staintune carbon pipe. <i></i>
Dont cloud judgement--they present measurable data....unlike the BS sales people talk...seat of the pants and noise are very confusing and mis leading.
My RGV250 dedicated track bike is a point in question--runs on some very sweet after market expansion chambers and small dia CF/ Milar mufflers... I swear the bike goes better without the mufflers...but doesnt at all..just my old brain telling me it is ..after all I've spent all this money on the stuff and we mere mortals refuse to accept we have wasted our money for little gain....oh yer I 've had this bike on the dyno to prove the point.....I cant accept it though LOL
Remember guys all these dyno values are at WOT pulls...which is where 95% of you never use.
good info Bear as usual <i></i>
Bear which run is the final readout in the fueling ? the 12.8 % with the slight rich area or the 13.4 % fuel reading ?
Gazza ................. spot on
FF1 <i></i>
FF1, the after fuel reading is the 12.8 flat line. It has a dip to 12.3 at 4,200 and a peak at 12.9 around 3,950. The faltter and leaner line of the two. I haven't downloaded it yet, will do that later this week, then I'll post a copy to you. <i></i>
Thats what i meant gazza.Power runs are WOT pulls.This doesn,t tell you how snatchy or smooth the power comes on or if it has a lean spot or stutter or surge as you roll on through a rev range.If you can,t open the throttle confidently whilst on your knee it ain,t worth riding,regardless of the dyno printout.Give me smooth throttle pickup and 20hp less and it,ll hose any snatchy hp monster out of corners and 3/4 of the straight afterwards.Bear you should go back to the same dyno that mapped your bike to measure your airbox gains. <i></i>
Correct fueling gives exactly what you say is the most important factor Spaman ............... but ya gotta be able to get fuel readings to set it up THATS WHAT THE DYNO GIVES YA. As for airbox mod it's a 4 Hp Gain and thats documented and proved (Printout Available)
Dyno tuning will only give extra Hp if the fuelling is out to the point that it is making the engine lose power due to the fuelling being so bad that it's no longer running efficiently. Thats why I explain this to people and also tell them that it's the smoothness of on / off throttle transistion that is the biggest gain from dyno tuning/mapping ............... resulting in a much more pleasant bike to ride. Get it set up by a competant operator Spaman and you may be surprised
As for knees down ................ what your copping whilst on your knees I'd rather not think about
FF1 <i></i>
Mines good so far.I,ll update this when i do a track day.I don,t dislike dynos at all but agree wholeheartedly they are designed to correct fuelling to improve the rideability instead of being used for a pissing competition.I think the airbox mod is a good one provided its tuneable and it appears it is. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
he described doing the tuning through various throttle openings, so I guess I can get curves for those if I asked. I rode it today for quite a while, and generally it seems fine. I even simulated a track day! Ooops.
Anyway FF1 I will extract and send the map for your comment. My instructions to him was to make the bike suitable for track work. Even though it will go down the drag strip, I wanted it rideable on the track. Having short legs, I haven't scraped knees yet! Just as well, no sliders yet! It's going to be hard to tell on the track too, because I'm still learning so every session is almost guaranteed to be quicker as I get braking points tighter etc. I'll never know if it peaks at a higher speed as the speedos are covered! <i></i>