BST at their worst
Was reading up on aftermarket rims and came across these pic's of a BST rim that failed on a Ducati. Scary
I know it is extremely rare that they do fail, but this guy wasn't so lucky.

Here's a link to a thread about the stack.

edit: Just checked the date on the thread and it's from 2005, so those who own CF rims, don't go thinking it's a current failure.
[Image: Sam998RRear71Large.jpg]

[Image: Sam998RRear81Large.jpg]
Pi_freak ok thats not good at all but im sure that this is a super rare occurance
Wtf interesting read. Makes you wonder whether it's a one off, or signs of things to come. You think there maybe a "little mod" done with future wheels to increase thickness, strength and reduce flex ???? or just bury head in sand, hope there was a fault in that particular wheel, and hope it doesn't happen again?

Remember back in early 80s when Ducati had that magnesium wheel problem? Wheels exploding into fire on the road. Seems they were fine for short track time, but under long road conditions could overheat and spontainiously combust.
It only happenned a couple of times and ducati removed them off road models.
(or was that an April fools joke that I missed Idiot2)
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
I would of hated to be on it when that happendPi_freak
every corner tells a story
Scary ouch
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]
Wow! There is ALOT of info still not told I think. Firstly since bike has only ever been on the track you can bet that they are 'racing' wheels not 'street' wheels which are thinner and lighter than the road version. Secondly it's not stated when the last set of rubber was put on this rim. Since they say the tyre 'looks new' I'm assuming it was fresh. They tested the tyre and valve for leakage, but what's to say that the rim wasn't cracked putting that last fresh rubber on with a slow leak that caused the let go? It could be a number of factors befor stock structural fault.

Never the less, this will still be in the back of my mind when I'm doin 285+ down phillip island straight on may ninth on my BST's. Very rare indeed though. Bloody good find Bikerboy, thanks for posting.
another BST bites the dust.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=34288&stc=1&d=1269058364]
(31-05-2011, 05:11pm)BikerBoy Wrote: another BST bites the dust.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=34288&stc=1&d=1269058364]

Who owned the wheels?
Someone should tell Pan or show him th epic
Paul! Are you trying to scare anyone off ever trying to buy my bike if I decide to sell it one day? I've never hurd of a 'road' BST letting go, these are all the lighter 'race' ones letting go. Stop slagging my wheels! Coolsmiley Lol3
(31-05-2011, 06:09pm)BJK1 Wrote: Paul! Are you trying to scare anyone off ever trying to buy my bike if I decide to sell it one day? I've never hurd of a 'road' BST letting go, these are all the lighter 'race' ones letting go. Stop slagging my wheels! Coolsmiley Lol3

How do u know they are race wheels?
Road BST's and race BST's are the same compound but the centre in the "race" is different.
This last pic is a "road" BST.

I'm not worried about them failing. All wheels fail if you crash bad enough...

Check out what happened recently to magnesium wheels. Didn't even result from a crash!

(31-05-2011, 06:09pm)BJK1 Wrote: Paul! Are you trying to scare anyone off ever trying to buy my bike if I decide to sell it one day?

C'mon Beau, it's a long term plan I've got going to get a cheap price off ya for myself. Pi_tongue
Here's a link to the thread for the busted rim. "Read from post #53 onwards.
If that is indeed a road BST then that is the first one I've ever seen or hurd about letting go, ever. Well all you can do as a BST owner then is regularly check the point where the spokes meet the rim for any hairline cracks. And check pressures each time you go out to get an idea as best you can of condition on rim. I do the chech myself. It's all you can do apart from getting the mech to check them when you get your tires changed...
And they are made from the same compound, but from what I understand they are made from much less carbon sheeting to obtain there weight saving over the road versions.
I'm only going on memory BJK, but I think the race version has magnesium centres, which is weaker and doesn't last as long as steel

More wheel failures (hot off the press):

(31-05-2011, 08:52pm)pan Wrote: More wheel failures (hot off the press):

Doesn't count Pan. These were on Harleys where everything fails. Lol2

As for the BST's you guys have nothing to worry about. They are the most heavily tested wheel in the world. I think each spoke is tested to 8000NM of force which is huge.
They were also used and trialed in MotoGP for 2 years before they were put on the world market. BST have been around for a very long time and have come from an aviation
engineering background producing critical parts such as carbon fibre helicopter blades for one thing. They certainly know what they're doing.

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