Protective Gear
I'm not riding with you again if you insist on nuding up first. You thought SPEED upset the grey nomads medication, that would be far more effective.
I think so
Ok Yam, that's enough out of you, I'm blocking this log on. Go back to who you are.
(12-02-2011, 05:17pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Ok Yam, that's enough out of you, I'm blocking this log on. Go back to who you are.

That's the way Heidi your first step into the fun ploicePolice

(12-02-2011, 05:17pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Ok Yam, that's enough out of you, I'm blocking this log on. Go back to who you are.
well the $1000000 question is who is the real person and why?Idiot2
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
The answer to question 2 is because they are a board troll. Get me or the other mods drunk and we'll tell you the answer to question 1.
The following organisations being the main parties involved in the organisation and production of the MotoGP World Championship FIM IRTA DORMA & MSMA read this and immediately announced cost cutting and weight savings to all race classes. For 2011 shorts tee shirts and thongs would be the only safety gear allowed for racing. It was said that this would also improve MotoGPs outstanding safety record.
Most of you miss the point of the original post.

It is summed up in this paragraph:

Once you understand that, then by all means put your gear on and go for a ride. But keep in your mind at all times, it's not the helmet that will save your life, it's what's inside it that will. It's not your gloves that will save your life, it's what's inside them that will. Use what's inside your armor and you wont need your armor.

Simply spouting that wearing protective gear makes someone safer is and always will be bullshit.
I agree to a point, the only thing I have control over when I'm on the bike, is me and (to a degree) the bike. If you are relying on a helmet and a few bits of leather to keep you safe, you are doing it wrong. I practise what I do and I think it through (too much) so I can be in control inside the helmet. I wear the gear not for me, but for the cage drivers around me over whom I have no control. I wear it because kids run out on a road chasing a ball and I'll hit anything before I'll hit a kid. I'll wear it because roos tend to be fairly unpredictable and sometimes there is a bit of oil right in the apex of a corner where you didn't expect it. I wear it for the unpredictable moments.
(13-02-2011, 09:54am)Heidi1 Wrote: I wear it because kids run out on a road chasing a ball

True that. Armoured elbow to the face, make a believer out of the little bastard Pi_tongue
(13-02-2011, 09:54am)Heidi1 Wrote: I agree to a point, the only thing I have control over when I'm on the bike, is me and (to a degree) the bike. If you are relying on a helmet and a few bits of leather to keep you safe, you are doing it wrong. I practise what I do and I think it through (too much) so I can be in control inside the helmet. I wear the gear not for me, but for the cage drivers around me over whom I have no control. I wear it because kids run out on a road chasing a ball and I'll hit anything before I'll hit a kid. I'll wear it because roos tend to be fairly unpredictable and sometimes there is a bit of oil right in the apex of a corner where you didn't expect it. I wear it for the unpredictable moments.

+1 It's for the non thinkers that want to kill you.
Freedom of choice is what it is all about, don't let the fun police take away your freedom. The best riding gear will not prevent you getting taken out by some drunken driver (have heard that before once or twice somewhere) and as the author says the top gear does not automatically guarantee you are a better rider. Conversely Wearing thongs and shorts will not cause you to have an accident or be a worse rider but you are taking risks in an accident situation obviously but then no-ones going to ride like that in melbourne in winter anyway. Wearing full leathers in North queensland in summer can cause heat stress or stroke and can cause you to have an accident or end up in hospital with dehydration and at the very least be damned uncomfortable but many still do it. Draggin jeans may have kevlar protection but the jean material is cheap shit and rots in the sun up here, friend of mine keeps getting his replaced FOC. Isn't it great that we have the freedom to choose and yeah if I am going to buy the paper from the shop I am not going to put on the same gear that I ride when I go on an interstate trip, my choice.

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