Fuel Consumption ( The other way around)
Hi fellow busa riders. I imagine this is a more hypothetical question about fuel consumption than the usual, so I hope this section is ok. I was just wondering if anybody had done the numbers on how long/far a Busa would go if you were lucky enough to have her run flat chat on a nice straight road. My thoughts were prompted by this youtube clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTm8alJ4bFM
which no doubt many of you have seen. Anyway I was just curious if anyone else has had similar thoughts.

PS: check the noise @ 3mins 35sec.
Can anyone translate the gibberish at the end? Oh and by the way...go the Gen 1!!!!
The busa will allegedly have an empty tank after only 19 minutes at 300kph. Though it would be interesting to have the math on busa fuel consumption.
I will remember that next time Iam late for work, 19 minutes of range...Lol3

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