What A C*NT Act!!!!

If I were ANY one of the bike riders in this vid....that car driver would be wishing he were dead!!! Knuppel2Knuppel2Knuppel2
Knuppel2 Knuppel2 Knuppel2
I'd push that c..t over the drop on the left and tell the plods he was so sorry he committed suicide
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
What happened after the camera was turned off ?? .. He may have copped a floggin then .. we can only hope.

I had a dickhead (in a small white ford .. if ur on this forum) try and cut in front of me yesterday. His excuse .. " I ride a bike too ..".
I "nicely" explained to him that only one vehicle fits in a lane at one time. I got the impression that he wanted to continue the "discussion" but I think his mrs grabbed him by the left testicle and ended the fun Lol3
Wtf What a co#ksucker! Thats just absolute stupidity.....i'm lookin again to see if theres an 'L' plate on there...
Expensive mistake Frown
Shouldn't have to teach road users not to overtake in a corner.
Poor guys.
F*&^%$# sickening. Get all he deserves, yet best of all, karma will prevail.
I hope the two riders were not badly injured.

As for the driver, maybe a few charges of attempted murder and a shared cell with a fatass biker named bubba would sort him out.
What an ass! One more proof that stupidity is a weapon of mass destruction. Note how keeping the right distance (the two raiders behind) saved them from becoming a third and fourth victims.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
OK, guys i may be female so excuse the p's & q's. But what the F**k did that guy think he was F**king doing, for f**ks sake there are some god damn F**king idiot drivers on the road. I just simply cant believe the total stupidity of that guy
Do DOUBLE WHITE/YELLOW LINES mean the same there as it does here?
I was taken out by someone ignoring them too.... are these c###s all from the same parents?

Kevin Schwantz " See God Scary then BRAKE!!!!!"

Lets face it driving/riding are complex skills some cannot master
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
is it me , or this guy was more interested in the damage to his car than the guy he just had a head on with and could be dieing on the road ...?
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
(01-02-2011, 06:49pm)Ozboc Wrote: is it me , or this guy was more interested in the damage to his car than the guy he just had a head on with and could be dieing on the road ...?

Yeah you're right. I don't even think he even bothers to look over at the rider(s) that got hit.
CRIKEY! I hope that idiot had his head stomped into the ground until his brain turned to soup!
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