Hands like an ocean liner
Just got of my sweet handling R12fast4uonto the Bussa( not bad for doing the K's) But shit thay handle like a bucket of shit Scary is there any real tricks to get this thing to turn a bit good Pi_freak.
Sell it if you don't like itIdiot2
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
Yeah Mate , learn to ride it, you'll find they handle pretty well .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
Nah, it's all in the rider. Busa's handle like a dream when you know what your doing. Spend a bit of time learning to ride and you'll get it eventualy.
Stick some air in them thar tyres !!! then push them bars, it'll turn quicker than a cowboy on broke back mountain. (or should that be Mr Davidson?)
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Mine does exactly what its told to do, more so than the 1400 I used to have. Check your suspension settings and air, and you will find yourself overtaking a lot of sporties. I did.
(25-01-2011, 07:18pm)Ward P Wrote: Stick some air in them thar tyres !!! then push them bars, it'll turn quicker than a cowboy on broke back mountain. (or should that be Mr Davidson?)
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
(25-01-2011, 06:58pm)Yam Wrote: onto the Bussa( not bad for doing the K's) But shit thay handle like a bucket of shit Scary

Typical litre bike rider Showback
Best stop trolling & start riding me thinks.

Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Knuppel2 Knuppel2 Knuppel2
might want to remove your pink tootoo aswell, ive heard all R1 pilots wear them under their leathers Lol2
100000kms in 23 months, not too bad
(25-01-2011, 06:58pm)Yam Wrote: Just got of my sweet handling R12fast4uonto the Bussa( not bad for doing the K's) But shit thay handle like a bucket of shit Scary is there any real tricks to get this thing to turn a bit good Pi_freak.

[Image: AriGoldgtfo.gif]

Believe me, squid, Bazman would destroy your R1 with his Busa.

Also, the fact that you think the Busa doesn't handle is proof that you've never ridden one.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Yam without spending big bucks on lighter wheels, disc's, suspension it will never handle like a litre bike. If you expect it too you got the wrong bike. On the road with bumps mid corner, straights between corners etc basically in the real world (not the track world) there is nothing to match the busa.

Think ahead, plan for your corners and get your body off the seat and you will be a very happy man on the road. Have you ever ridden the putty road mid week on your R1 against a busa??? The litre bikes get left on the straights and smashed through the continual bumpy corners. LOL
I think he has too much NOS sorft drink happening .Lol3Lol3Lol3
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
this guy is obviously a troll

im jumping off my nicely setup 04 R1 this weekend in favor of an 06 busa (thanks to a forum member :) ), and i must say, im a little scared of the differences, im sure ill get used to it pretty quickly though, and im a big guy, so i shouldnt have much drama throwing it around

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